i was thinking that if u did have a gun and where disguised as a hunter, if u saw them u could sneak up to them and be like DON'T MOVE!,WHAT YA DOING?! i dunno but if that was me stealing plants(im usually high so itd trip me right out) and someone did that too me i wouldnt think twice id run , therefore saving ur plants...but only if u caught them at the moment, i imagine people who werent stealing them and were narks would leave them there and call the poo-lice, personally instead of leaving peacefully id atleast huck a rock... a big one... maybe a couple..
I dunno, i am against violence unless my life is in danger, i think i would retreat. But Hunting is a good excuse to be in the area as well as fishing arrow head hunting, Bird watching etc.........
Guns, in this discussion (for "plant" protection), are for pussies. I second Chriscrete- grow up. Nuff said.
No, Carrying a gun is not for pussies If I was growing in the deep woods around here, I would carry a gun due to pest (Though I wouldn't kill ANY animal unless it threatened me DIRECTLY). Would I shoot someone trying to steel my grow? HELL FUCKING NO! I wouldn't even TRY and threaten them! "RUNAWAY!" :yikes:
if you read my post:icon_scratch: , i said gun toting to protect your plants was for pussies... toting guns for more logical reasons is a much more acceptable.
I was more so taking shots at how kids will carry guns now a days instead of fighting like a man.....and how the influence has been pridominatly from hardcore music and how its allowed to be portrayed. Its kiils me that for kids and even adults, when you get into trouble or shit hits the fan you reach for a gun, but its also the mass availability thats another issue, not to mention the ridiculous insane assult rifles the public can buy.....but its punk ass kids that keep pushing the trend forward but its the bullshit outlets that shove it down their throats......I dunno
guns and growing dont mix. if they catch you with a gun and a grow they will connect the 2. you will get jail time. traps are just as stupid. if you do catch a smart ripper, he'll sue the shit outta you, and youll see jail time! doesnt matter if its on private property, no trespassing signs all around, hell if you have a sign on the trap that says "TRAP!" your still fucked. they dont look to cooly on traps since vietnam. the plant is NOT worth it. my newb .02
rippers are a part of growing! Everytime you walk up to your outdoor spot, you get an uneasy feeling of uncertainty. In your head you picture an empty plot, or you picture a thriving garden of joy. But not knowing, and that feeling ya get in your stomach as you walk up to your outdoor plot is one of the best parts of growing outdoor. Sometimes ya walk up to an empty plot and other years you get lucky, that's something a gun can't change Dude Mountain Lions are not an issue in any state, they are shy and harmless. They eat rabbits, wounded dear, and other small animals. They are scared to death of humans. Even if there were a mountain lion stalking you, you'll never see him. And in the very very extremely rare case that a mountain lion were to attack you, you'd be dead before you can draw that gun, their jaws can stap your neck in one motion. I used to live and grow on prime mountain lion territory. I've seen paw prints and I always felt like I was being watched, but if ya know something about them then ya know that they won't attack you...no need for a here either.
geez u must be from the states, in canada u gotta crawl through a mile of shit to get a gun, well legally and if u do get one legally the most u can carry is 5 rounds..i agree tho guns are for sissies, or "gangsters lmao" who think they are tough but are all bark and no bite.its not the bullshit outlets that shove it down there throats those people are just stupid. anyone that takes music to heart is a fucking retard IMO especially that gangster rap, dont get me wrong i love nwa and icecube , but i dont carry a "strap" or whatever they call it
It'd be prudent to check your state law's re: MJ cultivation. In most case's, if you get busted for MJ cult. AND you have a firearm, your prblem's just became exponentially worse. I've thought about a nice piece, lately, as I'm currently living in a real shithole. I keep a Rottweiler loaded, at all time's. Legal, safe (for me) to handle f'd-up, and the PR's are terrified of them!
Canada Def. isn't as tolerant to guns as the states. My only problem in this area is the deer that chill there and pass through. One slept in one of the holes i dug already. I'm just going to load up the chicken wire fences. I was up there yesterday and everything looks completely different from a week ago because everything has grown so much. I actually got lost in there for about 10 mins before I could find my next hole. Just have to bring up some soil and chicken wire and I'm set to plant my clones.
finaly found a quick that worked. use fishing filament, very hard to spot but you have to be in the center of a circle of trees ive heard. the beauty of outside is that is always different, gps.
That will help for sure, if you got any stinky old shoes wear them there with socks on and let em get ripe and leave them there, Piss around it as much as you can and get some fox scent. Does avoid them especially if they have fawns, Foxes are hard on fawns.
IMO i think that caring a gun in the woods is a good idea except when your growing our kind bud because if your caught growing AND you have a gun they are going to label you as a violent offender and it will be so much worse then if you were caught without a gun. And i would never shoot over plants
Your point is quite valid, For me I carry because of the critters But i would throw that bastard in the woods if i saw leo for SURE To each their own i guess
yeah, i'd feel better carrying a bow and arrows but around here you need a permit for that, and probable you need to take an exam. he:roulette:
just wondering secretgrower420... how big are your holes and how deep and are you just using the soil thats there or adding soil to it? also this question is for any 1 that knows, but i got clones and seedlings started how far do the seedlings have to be(outdoors) so they do not pollinate my clones incase i miss a male when pulling them?
To not pollinate your plant must be in the veg stage. You cant tell if it's male until it starts to bud, and that's IF it's male. I measured my holes the other day so I know how much chicken wire fence to get and they range from 15ft around to 30ft around and they are about 1.5-2ft deep. The soil up there is full of composted leaves and other things like that so it is quite good, but I'm still going to bring up a few bags just to make my plants that much better.