Prime Location

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by SecretGrower420, Apr 23, 2009.

  1. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    no no no i know how to tell if its male, im just wondering how far away i should put the seedlings because if one turns male i dont want it pollinating the clones which are 50 meters away...they are all outdoors and each patch of clones is about 5 in each and 50 -100 meters away from each other but i havent put the seedlings out, and was kinda hoping to put em closer.. but i dont want them pollinating my clones.. as for your holes holy shit, that musta took you a while and a lot of blood sweat and tears, mine are 1.5-2 feet deep and like 3 feet around, you must be growing atleast ten in that place right? and just when i thought my op was hardcore lol..jus wondering why ud clear out the hole thing(15-30 ft) wouldnt it be easier to just dig holes like me? just cus i know how many rocks i lifted out of them and i could imagine ur pile of rocks.. or is it to stop them from flooding?
  2. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    No rocks what so ever, just some thick roots, but the edger had no problem slicing through with my weight on top of it. It was quite a bit of work though.

    As for the male thing, keep them close and at very first signs of male just take the plant away and kill it. As long as those pods don't grow big enough to let out pollen they won't pollinate.

    If you know what a male looks like then you should have no problems.
  3. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    cool thanks for the advice,i was jus mainly wondering because they are scattered in groups throughout the woods, and would rather not put them near each other for helicopter purposes which i saw today good thing i hid under some pine trees:smile: but i myaswell because i am really sick of digging new holes especially with misqouito's and deer flies... hope everything turns out well for ya
  4. qwert

    qwert Established Healthy Roots

    thou shall NOT kill
  5. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    lol ok.. sorry i aint a bible thumper so i think ill kill em, wtf does qwert stand for anyways? :smile:

    p.s. if u grew pot qwert ud realize at the end ull end up killing all the women no matter what, its a slaughter house when it comes to mine...
  6. qwert

    qwert Established Healthy Roots

    look at the first five letters on your keyboard on the right side of the Tab key, easy and fun.

    keepm growing

    ps i like collecting seeds
  7. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    There's nothing wrong with collecting seeds but if you keep males around females the females will grow a bunch of seeds and your crop would be ruined.
  8. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    wow ur right!but at first i thought it standed for queers with everything routinely touched :icon_confused: lol j/k... or am i
  9. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    I've lugged in 10 bags of soil and I got about 10 more to go and some chicken wire, then I'll make a new thread and start with the weekly updates.

    I'm getting 20 unknown clones and 30 AK-47, and will hopefully plant by the end of the long weekend.
  10. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    what kind of soil u buy , cus instead of lugging out 10 bags and making lots of trips(not sure how u do it) but i buy these big bales of dirt there 107L and they are called sunshine mix 4 it takes about 1 to fill up 10 5 gal grow bags and it also leaves enough so u can dig a hole and put them there then stick ur grow bag in it..i found a whole bunch of chicken wire but it seems to be a bitch to work with (not sure how ill get it to stick to the ground)so im gonna use sand for slugs green military nylon cord for deer about 3 -5-7 feet off the ground. and im going to use a garlic /tobaco/hot pepper spray for any other bugs or animals.. we seem to have roughly the same plans for our outdoor. i got 30 clones about a foot tall of unkown strains then i have another 25 seedlings im gonna baby for now cus they are only like 4 inches tall and getting there second set of leaves.. mine are rootbound so i got to get them out by tonight..its cool chris started the trend now u and me and shui are starting our own threads for our outdoor grow.. lil competition eh:wink:
  11. schui

    schui Excommunicated

    do you spend much on soil;

    would only buy soil if you did not have soil. I have loads of soil, I would never buy soil, sounds like a good business to be in.
  12. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    i found that u have to click the quick from the person at the top of the page... no others underneath seem to work for me..hope this helps
  13. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Should be planting today if my buddy pulls through with the clones. It's now 50 ak-47, and no unknown shit.

    In total I brought up 28 bags of soil (3-way-mix and topsoil), and 150ft of chicken wire.

    To be honest I think my grow will be the most successful one. (yield wise cause i got so many:wink:)
  14. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Mother nature will dictate that :thumbsup: But I wish you the best of luck
  15. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    i wish i could get some actual strains but the stuff im growing is all the same its from this really crystally shit i got a lil whle back so im not worried about it being crap is all, i keep hesistating to go do the rest of my planiting cus the bugs are so bad.good luck with ur grow tho man hope it turns out good.
  16. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Well, I finally figured out my clone situation. No more AK-47, I went back to the same supply as my indoor and I will now be growing Critical Mass outdoors (around 45). I'm getting them on Friday so expect a new outdoor grow thread by Monday.
  17. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    sounds bomb dude, u may have the best garden maybe, dont doubt me yet if all works out mine will be atleast close to urs if not the same hopefully haha friggin deer all i did was put up 2 string barriers one at 3 feet and one at like 5 to 6 ish feet lets hope this keeps them at bay, also i used this garlic tobacco hot pepper spray

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