Rasta\'s Top Ten

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by rastadub, Apr 23, 2003.

  1. ClayStreet

    ClayStreet Gypsy

    Truly an amazing sight CG.

    I think you outta change your name to House Growth.


    Thanks Clay, .. I was actually thinking of changing my screen name, but then i thought why?.. The "weed world" knows the familiar name "CLOSETGROWTH" .. I like being out of the ordinary..My lifestyle proves it. Take care buddy, CG [​IMG]
  3. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    I wish i still had all my pics...FROM THE PAST 10 YEARS...they were lost on the last computer crash.

    This was the fattest pure sativa cola i grew










    GT..Simply fabulous!..Great job buddy :wink: CG [​IMG]
  5. rastadub

    rastadub Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Wow thats some crazy sativa you grew there GT, props for the pics man.

    Just curious but how long did she take and how was she?
  6. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    Rasta that was from bagseed.That strain is pretty much all you get on the streets down here.Pure cerebral high w/ slight paranoia and it will sure get you moving.I had 4 growing and the one pictured was bigger around than a 2 liter pop bottle....wish i held one up for comparison.I was impatient and chopped them at 60 days.They deffinantly should have gone 70 if not longer.I'm not really big on sativa's and stick with the hybrids for medical purposes.If i remember right the final weight was 1.5 - 2 lbs after drying.
  7. rastadub

    rastadub Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Greenthumb I myself am a big fan of cerebral paranoia highs. I love that nervous energy of sativas. I need to pick up a good sativa for my growroom.

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