Security 101

Discussion in 'Beginner Lounge' started by JohnH, May 10, 2006.

  1. SmokeyJones

    SmokeyJones Germinated

    Cautious First Timer

    I’m a first time grower and am in the process of converting a 3x4 ft closet into a grow room. I am not sure what kind of lighting to use for this small space. I want to use either 400 or 600 watt but am weary about setting a light like this on a time cycle… would this be a red flag to electric company? Will my bill jump significantly?


  2. Zeppelin

    Zeppelin In The Hills And Far Away

    Thank you for that I did not know that about my State Laws !!! MARYLAND SUCKS HAHAHAHAHAHA Come and GET ME :idgaf:
  3. Ginsberg

    Ginsberg Developed Alternating Nodes

    I might be naive

    Lot of practical and prudent advice here. I follow most it myself although in Ohio the laws are pretty lenient. I try to keep my grow in the realm of a misdemeanor.

    However-- I cannot buy into the paranoia over a higher or fluctuating electric bill. It's absurd. Commercial grower, maybe. A 1000 watter + peripherals. Absolutely not.

    Likewise with purchases. I've purchased virtually everything via MasterCard. Light, fan, nutes, pH meter etc. I just did use a postal money order for some seed but that was for protection against the vendor as Resin mentioned.

    Most of my professional experience was more on the civil side of the judiciary but I can't imagine a judge in the country who would find just cause for a warrant in 10-15 amps additional power and some gardening supplies.

    Not trying to spit in the soup; there's a lot of good growers here whose opinion I've come to respect in my short time as a member. Just my opinion.

  4. mr.anonymous

    mr.anonymous What to grow next is hard

  5. mr.anonymous

    mr.anonymous What to grow next is hard

    IN my opp 40-50 $$$$ jump in your electric bill, if you have a couple of kids a wife and about 3 dogs is not alot.But thats ONLY MY opp:sign13:
  6. Dixie Hicky

    Dixie Hicky Excommunicated

    Good advice, man. Like I always say, "No tell, no jail" *If you have a southern accent, that almost rhymes)

    I live in the country on an acre of land with no close neighbors. However, my 'grow room" is beside a stream that folks come to I am a bit worried about smell.

    So...I wonder if you could speak in more detail about the charcoal filter/exhaust fan set up?

    Also...I just read (on this Forum) about the newer LED grow lights, particularly the "GROWUFO", a circular LED light that is advertised to use 90% less energy while producing the same amount of light as a 400 watt HPS while giving off no heat to speak of. Is this too good to be true? LOL, man...I hope not, cuz I just ordered one. Supposed to be quite efficient to light 12 square feet. IF this bad boy WORKS, I'll sure be telling y'all, because the less heat/less energy used factor makes the expense worth the investment (550 bucks) It's also said to WAY outlast other types of lights.

    Anyhoo...if you can speak more on eliminating odor, Id sure be grateful.

    Dixie Hicky
  7. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    cops use FLIR which is infrared sensors, so try to distribute the heat around your house instead of out the window, are 2 enlightening videos i watched learned alot,he's an ex DEA officer, berry coopers never get busted traffic stops, and for growing pot never get raided, i wouldnt think ppl will follo the drug dealing part. all in all i fuly RECOMMEND it..gets A++ lol seriously its bout outdoor too ,stashing it,tricking dogs etc, go to type in the title, download with limewire, then either drag or extract files(left click)to rem. harddrive open folder and begin learning. hope this helps,also his website is HAVE A GREAT 420/840! i did:animbong:
  8. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Flex Your Rights

    I learned all of the legalities from an old head, at a young age. My rights have been tested, and I have met a lot of others that have had their rights tested, and failed due to ignorance. Im hoping this thread will help others in time of need, as it helped myself.

    I did my fair share of time in correctional facilities.. I met a large amount of people that were victims of illegal search and seizure. These people didn't know there rights, and suffered greatly in spite of their encounters with police. I also had a situation, where the police came to my home, with a search warrant. The search warrant they had, was for seizure of my father. Someone had called the police and told them that my father was driving eradically.. He was going through his midlife crisis, and going through a manic episode.. They warrant detailed, they had the right to obtain my father for questioning, to check his mental state. However, I was the only one home, and I had a few grow rooms throughout the house. The police came in, and found a lot of plants. They questioned me over and over, trying to get information from me. They tried to get me to sign a statement saying the plants were mine, and I had been tending to them. Thankfully, I knew my rights! I played dumb with them, and I didn't give them any incriminating statements. They werent able to prosecute for anything they found during the search, but they did confiscate, most of the plants, grow lights, and other equipment.

    The need for people to understand, appreciate, and assert their constitutional rights has grown more urgent as these very rights have been eroded. Over recent decades, police agencies have adopted increasingly invasive and controversial police tactics, which turn innocent citizens into suspects.

    Concurrently, the Supreme Court has usually ruled in favor of expanding the scope of police power -- especially for the purpose of fighting illegal drugs. One of the most disturbing consequences of this apparent "drug exception to the Constitution" has been the use of racial profiling to determine which drivers will be stopped for minor traffic offenses in order to be searched for contraband. In 2001, Congress's hasty passage of the USA Patriot Act further eroded constitutional protections of the people's privacy and liberty.

    Sustaining the erosion of traditional constitutional rights is a complicit citizenry, which has become dangerously permissive of everyday abuses of police power. For example, most people during the course of a traffic stop are likely to waive their rights without even knowing it. Fortunately, these trends are neither inevitable nor irreversible. Just as regular physical exercise strengthens muscles atrophied from underuse, innocent citizens must "flex" their constitutional rights in order to keep them strong and secure.

    Moreover, the simple and knowledgeable assertion of these rights is a citizen's first and best protection from the indignity and inconvenience of improper police searches and arrests. I have created this thread to make Gker's aware of their constitutional rights, and make them more confident to flex these rights.
    Towelieee likes this.
  9. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer


    Contacts Between Police and Public

    An estimated 43.8 million people 16 years or older—or about 21 percent of the population that age—had at least one face-to-face contact with the police during 1999. About 52 percent of these interactions were during traffic stops.

    About 19.3 million drivers, or about 10.3 percent of licensed drivers, were pulled over by police. Among those pulled over, about 1.3 million motorists said they or their vehicle had been searched. And in almost 90% of those searches, police found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing

    Analysis of an LAPD report documenting traffic stop data between July 1, 2002, and November 30, 2002 reveals that 99% of drivers stopped by police in Los Angeles consented to officers' search requests. The report shows that 7.4% of African American drivers and 5.3% of Hispanic drivers were asked to consent to a search, while only 1.5% of white drivers were asked for consent to search.

    Of the nearly 1.3 million drivers who experienced either a vehicle search, a driver search, or both, about 66% did not feel it was for a legitimate reason

    Arrests and Incarcerations

    In 2000, police made 1,579,566 total arrests for drug abuse violations. 81%—or 1,279,448—of these total drug arrests were for possession. 46.5%—or 734,497 of all drug arrests—were for marijuana offenses. And of the total marijuana arrests, 646,042 (88%) were for possession alone.

    Prisoners sentenced for drug offenses constitute the largest group of Federal inmates (61%) in 1999, up from 53% in 1990. On September 30, 1999, Federal prisons held 63,360 sentenced drug offenders, compared to 30,470 at yearend 1990. Over 80% of the increase in the federal prison population from 1985 to 1995 was due to drug convictions.

    In 1997, there were 55,069 drug offenders in federal prisons (out of a total Federal prison population of 88,018 that year). Of these, 10,094 were in for possession, 40,053 were in for trafficking, and 4,922 were in for other drug crimes.
  10. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Say NO to Police Searches

    Just Say No to police searches

    During a traffic stop

    1.)Keep your private items out of sight. This is common sense: Always keep any private items that you don't want others to see out of sight. Legally speaking, police do not need a search warrant in order to confiscate any illegal items that are in plain view.

    2.)Be Courteous & Non-Confrontational If you are pulled over, the first thing you should to do is turn your car off, turn the dome light on (if it's nighttime), roll down the window, and keep your hands on the steering wheel. Only roll your window down a crack. This will keep the officer from sticking their head into your car and making the accusation of being able to smell pot smoke. Don't immediately reach into your glove compartment for your license and registration. Officers want to be able to see your hands for their own safety. Wait until the officer asks to see your paperwork before retrieving your documents. The first thing you should say to the officer is, "Hello officer. Can you tell me why I am being pulled over?" The officer may give you a hard time or say, "Why do you think I pulled you over?" Tell the officer you don't know. Most importantly, do not apologize after you get stopped, because that can be considered an admission of guilt and could be used against you later in court. Show your identification if it's requested. Be respectful and non-confrontational. Refer to the police as "Sir," "Ma'am," or "Officer." Remain calm and quiet while the officer is reviewing your documents. If the officer writes you a ticket, accept it quietly and never complain. Listen to any instruction on paying the fine or contesting the ticket, and drive away slowly. Even if your detained on the street, officers are legally allowed to frisk the outside of your clothing, to check for guns or knives, ONLY if they have a basis for suspecting your armed. In the case, the police are investigating a graffiti crime, there is no basis to justify a "pat down". Although, many people may think that the frisking is general procedure, the police arent always allowed to frisk your person.

    3.) Just Say "NO" to warrantless searches. Warning: If a police officer asks your permission to search, you are under no obligation to consent. The only reason he's asking you is because he doesn't have enough evidence to search without your consent. If you consent to a search request you give up one of the most important constitutional rights you have—your Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. A majority of avoidable police searches occur because citizens naively waive their Fourth Amendment rights by consenting to warrantless searches. As a general rule, if a person consents to a warrantless search, the search automatically becomes reasonable and therefore legal. Consequently, whatever an officer finds during such a search can be used to convict the person. Don't expect a police officer to tell you about your right not to consent. Police officers are not required by law to inform you of your rights before asking you to consent to a search. In addition, police officers are trained to use their authority to get people to consent to a search, and most people are predisposed to comply with any request a police officer makes. For example, the average motorist stopped by a police officer who asks them, "Would you mind if I search your vehicle, please?" will probably consent to the officer's search without realizing that they have every right to deny the officer's request. If, for any reason you don't want the officer digging through your belongings, you should refuse to consent by saying something like, "Officer, I know you want to do your job, but I do not consent to any searches of my private property." If the officer still proceeds to search you and finds illegal contraband, your attorney can argue that the contraband was discovered through an illegal search and hence should be thrown out of court. You should never hesitate to assert your constitutional rights. Just say "no!"

    4.) Determine if you can leave. You have the right to terminate an encounter with a police officer unless you are being detained under police custody or have been arrested. The general rule is that you don't have to answer any questions that the police ask you. This rule comes from the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects you against self-incrimination. If you cannot tell if you are allowed to leave, say to the officer, "I have to be on my way. Am I free to go?" If the officer says "Yes," tell him to have a nice day, and leave immediately. If the officer's answer is ambiguous, or if he asks you another unrelated question, persist by asking "am I being detained, or can I go now?" If the officer says "No," you are being detained, and you may be placed under arrest. If this is the case, reassert your rights as outlined above, and follow Rules #5 and #6. If the officers refuse to let you leave, and order you to put your hands against the car for example, you have nothing to lose, by clearly stating your refusal to consent to a search. You should ONLY verbally refuse, and NEVER PHYSICALLY RESIST. Just touching an officer, could land you with a felony charge of assaulting a police officer.

    5.) DO NOT answer questions without your attorney present. There is no reason to worry that your failure to answer the officer's questions will later be used against you. The truth is just the opposite: Anything you say can, and probably will, be used against you. In just about any case imaginable, a person is best off not answering any questions about his involvement in anything illegal. Assert your Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights by saying these exact words: "Officer, I have nothing to say until I speak with a lawyer." Remember- If you do choose to answer any of the officer's questions, always be honest. Police are not easily tricked and will often become hostile if they feel disrespected. If you feel it is best not to answer truthfully, then don't say anything at all.

    6.) Do Not Physically Resist. If the police proceed to detain, search, or arrest you despite your wishes—do not physically resist. You may state clearly but non-confrontationally: "Officer, I am not resisting arrest and I do not consent to any searches." Or you may assert your rights by simply saying nothing until you can speak with an attorney. NEVER try to run away from the police, under ANY circumstances! If the police see someone running away, especially in a high crime neighborhood, that gives them all of the legal justification to chase and stop them. Sometimes people that flee from the police out of panic, have even been shot at! DON'T RUN AWAY!! If you see police approaching, stand your ground and be prepared to assert your rights.
  11. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Your Rights When Stopped By A Police Officer

    Your rights, when stopped by a police officer

    Police officers are legally allowed to search your home or your property if they obtain a search warrant. To obtain a warrant, police officers must write out an affidavit -- a written statement under oath -- to convince a judge that they have probable cause to believe that criminal activity is occurring at the place to be searched or that evidence of a crime may be found there.

    Consent Searches If the police ask your permission to search your home, purse, briefcase or other property, and you freely consent, their warrantless search automatically becomes reasonable and therefore legal. Consequently, whatever an officer finds during a consent search can be used to convict the person. Police are known to lie, and trick people into consenting searches. Dont believe a word from them. Their job is to find, arrest, and help convict you. If they offer to "help you out", dont believe a word of it. Ask for a real lawyer, and shut up!
  12. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Your Rights When Stopped By A Police Officer

    Your rights, when stopped by a police officer

    Police officers are legally allowed to search your home or your property if they obtain a search warrant. To obtain a warrant, police officers must write out an affidavit -- a written statement under oath -- to convince a judge that they have probable cause to believe that criminal activity is occurring at the place to be searched or that evidence of a crime may be found there.

    Consent SearchesIf the police ask your permission to search your home, purse, briefcase or other property, and you freely consent, their warrantless search automatically becomes reasonable and therefore legal. Consequently, whatever an officer finds during a consent search can be used to convict the person. Police are known to lie, and trick people into consenting searches. Dont believe a word from them. Their job is to find, arrest, and help convict you. If they offer to "help you out", dont believe a word of it. Ask for a real lawyer, and shut up!

    Plain View Rule This is common sense: Always keep any private items that you don’t want others to see out of sight. Legally speaking, police do not need a search warrant in order to confiscate any illegal items that are in plain view.
  13. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Your Rights When Stopped By A Police Officer/WARRANTS

    Your rights, when stopped by a police officer

    Police officers are legally allowed to search your home or your property if they obtain a search warrant. To obtain a warrant, police officers must write out an affidavit -- a written statement under oath -- to convince a judge that they have probable cause to believe that criminal activity is occurring at the place to be searched or that evidence of a crime may be found there.

    Consent Searches If the police ask your permission to search your home, purse, briefcase or other property, and you freely consent, their warrantless search automatically becomes reasonable and therefore legal. Consequently, whatever an officer finds during a consent search can be used to convict the person. Police are known to lie, and trick people into consenting searches. Dont believe a word from them. Their job is to find, arrest, and help convict you. If they offer to "help you out", dont believe a word of it. Ask for a real lawyer, and shut up!

    Plain View Rule This is common sense: Always keep any private items that you don’t want others to see out of sight. Legally speaking, police do not need a search warrant in order to confiscate any illegal items that are in plain view.

    Searches Made in Connection with a Legal Arrest Police do not need a warrant to make a search "incident to an arrest." After a legal arrest, police can legally protect themselves by searching the person and the immediate surroundings for weapons that might be used to harm the officer. Consequently, whatever an officer finds during such a search can be used to convict the person.

    Exigent Circumstances A judge may uphold an officer’s warrantless search or seizure if "exigent circumstances" exist. Exigent circumstances were described by one court as "an emergency situation requiring swift action to prevent imminent danger to life or serious damage to property, or to forestall the imminent escape of a suspect or destruction of evidence." WARNING: If you ever face a real-life police encounter where the officer is urging you to consent to a search, do not try to figure out whether or not the search is legally permissible. You must assume that the search is not legally permissible and that the search will only be legal if you consent. If an officer is in fact legally allowed to search you, you have nothing to lose by refusing to consent.
  14. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    Probable Cause

    The Supreme Court have generally ruled that police officers do not need a warrant to search your car during a traffic stop, if they have probable cause, to believe something illegal is present, although there are important exceptions.

    The precise meaning of probable cause is fuzzy. Basically, probable cause means that the police must have some evidence to believe that criminal activity is going on in order to legally search your car. In other words, an officer's 'hunch', without evidence, that your up to no good, Is Not enough to search or arrest you.

    Before searching, the officer must observe something more tangible. For example, If the officers sees Marijuana, a pipe, or a roach, the judge will conclude that the officer was justified in doing the search (plain view rule). Most avoidable police searches occur because most people get tricked, or intimidated into consenting to search requests. Giving an officer consent to search, automatically makes the search legal, and in most states, officers are not required to tell you about your right not to consent.

    If you're pulled over by a police officer, DO NOT TRY TO FIGURE OUT WHETHER OR NOT THE OFFICER HAS ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO LEGALLY SEARCH YOU. If he has to ask, it probably means that he doesn't have evidence to conduct a search. You have nothing to lose by not consenting to search requests, but everything to lose, if you do. If an officer searches you illegally and finds contriband despite your refusal to consent, your lawyer can file a motion to suppress, or throw out the evidence in court. If the judge agrees that the search violated your constitutional rights, he'll grant the motion to suppress, your charges will then be dismissed, and you'd be free to go.

    ( The majority of this imformation was pulled from For more information, and videos, visit

    TheApprentice likes this.
  15. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    lots of good info thanks for posting!
  16. SecretGrower420

    SecretGrower420 Baked as fuck

    Very very helpful. thanks alot GF
  17. Mr. Gardener

    Mr. Gardener Full Flowering

    Very good advice. Thanks.
  18. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    carbon paper your grow room

    swed,CARBON PAPER under the mylar works for me so far mate, a tip given to me by an old cultivator cellmate:thumbsup: if it wasnt for carbon paper we wouldnt have been able to smuggle drugs intop the prisons in radios,etc cos the x ray machnne dont pick it up,a lil tip for y'all.I dont like any LEO reading to know my tricks but thats one i got tolld and did it ever since,it might be bs but i dont think so cos 4 homes in my grow areas got busted but out of 3 closets in 3 homes none of mines did,i grow 6-8 at a time under 600-1000watter hps.Peace:jj
  19. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    ive never heard of carbon paper being used, i heard its suppose to be reflective foil, but either way i heard that using a 600 w u should be find but anything over u might worry, personally i could give two shits if they used flir on me cus i rent the basement of a house so my power and heat is all connected with my neighbours, only i need to worry about is light leaks, and smell and i got the ona for smell (works like a charm) but hey u should check out those video's... or well anyone, tells u the best way for telling em off when they are at your door, all there tricks everything, where u should plant, how many he actually tells u how to deal drugs without getting caught,,like i said b4.. i dunno if id go through the trouble he says about drug dealing unless u are absolutely paranoid :)
  20. Guerilla Family

    Guerilla Family Serious Guerilla Farmer

    I have heard that it is illegal to use FLIR or any thermal imaging devices within so many feet of a residence.. Who knows that.. I suppose even if that law is in affect in the US, it is possible that the pigs still do it.


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