... Quote: Originally Posted by buddomi Shit like this makes me never want to post or visit websites like this ever again. 1st off buddomi i dont get what you mean by that quote?Is it cos you sick of ppl talkin bout stuff like this or did you mean its cos your starting to think ppl cant be trusted? 2nd off i think herb just meant that as a funny one liner but not a diss at your expense.Stay cool like the FONZ buddomi.Peace PS.What was that signature you used to have herb about ppl being thick skinned or summit?You should have kept that one on,lol.
Buddomi...it's one thing to piss and moan about something...it's quite another to do something about it. I'm just sick of hearing it as many others are...if you don't wanna be here...leave. Pretty simple. To answer your Q....trust nobody.
FYI... EVERY website you visit keeps some kind of record of who has visited it. Some even place nasty little tracking cookies on your shit to spy on your surfing habbits and direct customized advertizing at you... Or worse... Trojans, spyware, malware etc... If you are really that paranoid about the IP bullshit, then use a proxy... Hell, use several proxies... Or stay off the internet. Those select few of us that are entrusted with access to that information are here to protect you, and the other members, while maintaining the integrity of the site itself. The only "payment" we get in return is the satisfaction of giving something back to the GK community.
JUst stay clear that all i got to say, cause all the head ache i heard from people that he did this to. I liked rytree but it was really weird about all the stuff that happened there is a long story to it but its not really too important just the fact that any body if you see him around just stay clear and i'm defiinately going to be weary about PMs from new people or just off the wall questions. Just try to make some good decisions cause none of us want to goto jail cause none of us are any harm to the society or anyone living in it. And to rytree if you read this man you shuld no more than anybody you have to look at your peeps and man if you get introuble for something own up to it yourself instead of draging other people down with you, its just not a cool way to handle a situation bro. I'm not going to condem you or talk trash i just won't ever talk or have anything to do with you any more.
Skunky>>>^^^WORD^^^ If he did it ...well then he needs to "man up"! I would never rat out anyone....goes against our religion or most of us. Snick>>>well said my frd! ....besides we all know we are all full of shit and don't touch the shit .. Karma is a bich is all I can say....those who bich ..whine and snitch>>>it all comes around full circle 10 fold! Peace~Jersey
Who knew? maybe GDt and him are in cahoots. Rtyree if your readin this you can G- F--k Y------f. That is all. ottytrain1:
Here on recent news to this event, the story is rather sketchy and I don't think that rtyree may be the one to blame, but still he is acting sketchy.. so I would still steer clear from doing any personal dealings with him. I wouldn't believe everything you hear on here, and I shouldn't have either.. cause we definitely never heard the whole story according to web420 over on 420g...so let's just leave it to the mods to figure out for us..that's their job
Re-assuring to know all the GK mods/admins/members are looking out for us all... Well all i can say is that its re-assuring to know that here on GK we got members/mods/admins who know the "networks" and are able to bring this info to us.Just everyone avoid this 'alleged' snitch like the plague for a long time. Jerseygirl your right,it IS against our religion to do that but every now and then you get blasphemers like 'alleged' snitch.Most of the time its dudes who cant handle silly little jail terms.. im sure a lot of us on here have done our time or done time before,you just get your head down,dont act like a gangster and get on with it.I know that in the past the cops have 'offered' me 'favours' here and there for a little info..just to get bail or avoid minor sentences..WTF? They dont even come near me now,if im ever in custody they KNOW not to even waste their time coming to my cell.As if anyone who knows the score would rat on mates you've known for proper time just to avoid a lil jail time... when you..sorry IF you make it out the jail then your BRANDED for life man..aint no body gonna kick it with ya anymore,unless their aiming at your head,lol. Ive lost some GOOD guys i know to long term jail sentences cos junkies cant handle being in the cells till next day at court(my rule#3 never sell to junkies,they will rat you in a second!:5masked: ).Its even sadder when its a dude who you have trusted as a stand up guy only to realise your judgment wasnt as spot on as usual(been there).Good to se GK giving the members a heads up.
Let's all hope that it ain't true then. That would be the smart thing to do, until you are certain. Actually... It ain't our job to figure out what is going on elsewhere. This thread was simply informational in nature. An attempt to protect our members from the possibility of being snitched on, and to raise the level of awareness of our members so they don't get too complacent and make certain mistakes that could place their freedom in jeopardy. As I've said before... I don't know if it is true or not. If it is... He'll get whats coming to him.:XXbuzzsaw::qleft1: He is no longer a member here, and has been gone for some time now.
COMPLACENCY...its brought many players down. Yeah truth snick,ive seen many a big timer go down for years in jail and just like tony montana 'they had it all!' but COMPLACENCY sets in and ppl let their guard down and then it begins.... As i said its good to know the GK familia are looking out for each other and for those who WERE dealing with the dude in question then i bet it made you guys start beefing up the security measures and what not?Lets hope(for HIS sake)its not true cos i imagine a lot of ppl gonna be wanting to quiz him....over in scotland if shit like this gets alledged then the dude gets a ?MARK on his head which basically means we keep our lips sealed and cut him out the loop till we find out if shit be true or not. In saying that,i have seen a few poor souls over the years WRONGLY accused of snitching just cos they made bail and some dudes door gets busted like 2months later or whenever...poor dudes are walking around with the snitch scar on their face(usually 2 stripes) for life and they didnt even snitch,we found out who it really was... Glad to say that unlike others i dont believe in kangaroo courts in these matters...you gotta get the facts right and its good to see that ppl are doing that or trying to do that in this case.Peace Y'all.
Fallible Tangibles ...I must say... ...You set yer'self up like a bowlin' pin... ...No harm done...innocent word play... ...Where I come from...if you can't take it...you don't dish it out...just a motto worth reconfiguring here on the World Wide Web... ...And if that motto finds you all the more blase...maybe just remember my personal motto below...it tends to bring civility where there is a short supply... ...Fact o' the matter...I's just ribbin' ya'...have a good one...Buddomi... ...Cheers!... DC