So what are your outdoor grow plans for this summer?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by rollin2techno, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I was kicking myself by mid-summer last yr. I'm still alittle sketchy re: indoors & outdoors, but the weather (rain) here was perfect. Not too wet & not too dry.

    Then I started to think...

    My buddy has a cemetery with 'tens-of-acres'; wooded. I found a nice spot amongst a shit-load of thicket. The boys even have a hard time crashing thru. Soil not so great, but I can park within 100-150 yrds.

    Last wk. I'm home visiting and drive past State Game Lands (I forgot) where I used to run my first boy. I found a nice spot, about a 1 mile walk in the logging road.

    My water source


    One hole next to the swamp


    Two alittle HIGHER


    Four alittle HIGHER yet


    It looks open, but above are some pines, blocking view, not that anyones going back there until maybe hunting season. Nobody's coming in from the bottom due to the swamp.

    I only dug sm. holes as I was using a hand pick.

    I could see the road bends close, at the top of the hill. I walk up the incline (200 yards maybe) and there's a pull-off. I have the lg. pick in the car now! I can drop that off, then clones, and hopefully in the fall pick-up!


    My security (I'll know if any hickers are anywhere near us)

    note Bully's mohawk (his first shave)!


    I was going to go cheap and use MG, but I've been reading canadian123's Swamp post (impressive) last night, drinking, and ordered Advanced Nutrients (I need fert. for my tomatoes & peppers anyway)!

    And to clear a maze thru the thicket (other spot), I stopped at Cabella's


    I have plenty of CM clones (about 2' ). Now I have to figure-out how to safely/securly transport.

    I'll figure-it-out.

    From the looks of it, we're done with frost, so it'll probably begin the first wk. of April.

    This will be my back yard boogie and I will have pics., if all goes well. As long as one makes it, I'll have atleast one pic.
  2. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Where the holes are dug, do you think come summer you will have enough direct sunlight so the plants will flourish? Good luck man!
  3. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    The first day scouting, it was warm and sunny. Plenty of light. The pics. were taken while overcast. I was lucky. Rain on the way there. Nothing while out-and-about, then showers while back in the car.

    I'd like to take pics. from over in the swamp, to give you a better idea, but I'm not making anymore footprints than necessary. In and out, I walked on the side of the road, as opposed to the mud. Even in the woods, you still need to think!
  4. ShadowWarrior

    ShadowWarrior In The Spirit Realm

    Every single outdoor grow I attempt goes wrong in one way or another. Either my plants are eaten by critters, get too much rain(when in the South East) or insects destroy them. Of course they've also been raided/destroyed by people as well.

    I've about given up on growing outdoors unless I can figure out how to manage it just right.

    What I did last year would have been perfect had we not gotten so much rain and drowned my babies.

    I had roughly 18 seedlings ranging from 4 inches tall to just broken soil.

    I planted 6 in 3 different locations averaging about half a mile in distance from one location to the next.

    One plot was destroyed bya flooding creek, one was killed by insects/too much rain, and the other was eaten by deer. The last one I had set up rags in the bushes which had been soaked in female human urine while she was menstruating(it was VERY effective at keeping the aniamls away)... and then we got the final rain. It washed away the urine scent, and the next day when I went to replace the rags, my plants had all been eaten.

    All were in PRIME locations where practically no human would ever find them and were all near natural water sources. We had gotten barely ANY rain at all until I took them to their final living quarters... and then we got a frickin monsoon.

    So.. I would try the same kind of deal I did then, also put a good mixture of bone meal/blood meal and extra potassium nitrate into the soil which gets all my other plants(peppers&roses) twice as large and healty as usual. But I won't do it in Florida again, if I even if I ever move back.
  5. Toker2

    Toker2 Looking at a hot ass

    1 spot 3 ww

    1 spot 3 ko kush

    1 spot 3 cheeseberry

    all lsted and supper cropped tied down to ground

    1 spot 3 ko kush

    1 spot 3 JB/BC

    1 spot 3 afgani/hawaianxBBS

    1 spot 3 ko kush

    1 spot 3 JB/BC

    1 special spot 1 ww , 2 ko kush

    All grown in 30 lb cat litter pails and 5 gallon buckets.

    all will be sunk in ground with approx 4 inches of container above ground

    All pails lips to be painted camo green krylon spray paint.

    Soil = MGOC,Composted Cow manure, mushroom compost, black kow

    topsoil and peralite.

    Appox set out date---april 30

    wish me good hunting:beerchug-2:
  6. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

  7. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P


    I showed you that. It's it Bad Ass?!!!
  8. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    And to clear a maze thru the thicket (other spot), I stopped at Cabella's


    What's the brand of that knife? It looks like my 12 inch Ontario machete, but with a sawback.
  9. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    It's a Gerber (Cabella's). I used it today and the sawback works great! Now if I could use it on ticks!

    Check this out! I'm driving away from my parents (40 miles away) and my Mom calls. There's a dvd delivered there and did I want to come back or wait?? It's my BrownDirt dvd! (sound of tires squeeling!!!)

    What's strange is that I haven't used that address in 4 yrs! My Paypal acct. has this address, so how in the hell did it get shipped there??

    As soon as she said 'Canada' and read his name I thought I'd better grab it (not that they'd open it).

    He signed it, but I can't yet figure-out what it says, besides my name and

    I have some sleuthing to do!

    It's loaded and I'm watching!
  10. teachmethewayyy

    teachmethewayyy DUBS AND NUGS!!!! VW4LIFE

    i want a review on that movie when your done. is there a lot more than all the episodes that you can find on youtube? was it worth buying? BDW is a god....
  11. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I don't even know what that is. I'm a bit disconnected from American/Canadian culture over here in Japan, especially pop culture.
  12. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Thanks for the complement mrastro :beerchug-2:

    I am preparing myself for my biggest outdoor season ever. I have found these grow bags that are made of a water wicking material with tough fabric handles. The roots will penetrate the bags where they meet the ground but get air pruned on the side or anywhere exposed to air. What this means to me is I can set my plants on top of the swamp and the water will wick up the grow bags and the roots will make their way into the swamp. This has solved my bi-weekly watering trips I hope. With 4-5x as many plants this year I need to find ways to make things more automated so to speak.

    My tips are look up when hunting seasons start unless you already know then disregard this. Where I am there is a Bear and archery deer season when the plants are still in the ground. Lucky for me there is no way in or out of my spot unless you have been shown and only myself and one other person know. Get a small trail camera with IR hide it low if during your summer farming efforts pics of a human show up inspecting your plants you know you have to dig them up and move them to avoid being robbed. Another reason bags are a good idea even if you bury them you can pull them up with little shock to the plants.

    Use plankskydd to fend off deer and rabbits a light mist on the plant once every 2wks until buds show up then discontinue but the residue stays on the leaves for months after.

    Heavy Harvest ferts work very well just sprinkle on top and let the water wash it in to the soil.

    Looks like there is a lot of decomposing organic material I would mix in some lime in those holes for good measure.

    Well thats all I got for now let me know if you have any questions :potleaf-3:
    MrAstro likes this.
  13. teachmethewayyy

    teachmethewayyy DUBS AND NUGS!!!! VW4LIFE

    Hank chinaski, look up brown dirt warrior on youtube and watch the videos. prepare to be amazed......
  14. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Oh stop it Teach........that guy is a mega-douche IMO.....the doc/film is cool YES but the guy and his technique are retarded at best.........the guy drove HOURS away for WHAT???? to get ripped off and freaked out?? There is NO WAY in the entire world that he did that by himself, NO WAY! He makes it seem that way tho......all that work and security breaching and for what??? A few bags of so-so trees......and NO payday like he had thought

    Dont get me wrong the vids are sweetness but dont buy into it, thats NOT how its done in reality
  15. teachmethewayyy

    teachmethewayyy DUBS AND NUGS!!!! VW4LIFE

    yea he deff didn't do all that on his own. if i remember correctly he admitted to not doing all the work on his own and being more or the director/writer for the movie.(correct me if im wrong) its just inspirational seeing what some go through/can be done out in the wild with enough hard work and thought. like the running of the lines for his water source and what not. you have to admit seeing the field of dreams is pretty sweet ya? i do agree with you tho CC, it is more of a movie than a documentary. (from what ive seen) call it what you want, it is deff motivational.
  16. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    I couldn't enter my 2nd spot from the same point. Had to locate it by searching thru the stickers, bramble



    I've come to realize that outdoor is alot of work! Definitely not for the weak! :lmao:
  17. canadian123

    canadian123 hemp ninja

    Oh man not looking forward to that! :beerchug-2:
  18. Herb

    Herb Mountain Man

    That's the truth brother! :shocked:
  19. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    :roffl: :roffl: [​IMG]

    :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :hot: :rofl6: :badgirl: :puke: :kidding: :growin: :GK:
  20. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    It's a 40 mile drive, so when I decide to go, I'm getting some work done.

    I couldn't go in where we wanted to 'run' and they're NOT in the mood to wait another min.

    By now I have a good idea, but not from that direction, when you have to keep working around that shit. I finally said fuck it!

    The day before, I had been out in the woods, wrestling with a bale of ProMix. I just wanted to get done and get home.

    If you ever try the woods, FatAss, you better do the buddy system Cardiologist :lmao:

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