So what are your outdoor grow plans for this summer?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by rollin2techno, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    I just want to make sure you all know, YOU SUCK! I woke up this morning to find two inches of snow on the ground! And here it is 5 hours later and its STILL snowing. It wont amount to anything but its a reminder that I cant put plants in the ground yet....

    So much for the 80F weather from two weeks ago that had me all excited and digging holes lol

    Good luck with your outdoor season everyone and BE SAFE

    Peace -V420
  2. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Dude! I visited the 3 that I already put out. They look fine, but I think the 32 the other night shocked them. Now they're saying it'll go below 32 the next couple nights.

    I have plenty of clones, so I'll chalk it up to experience.

    Snow? You sorry SOB :lmao:
  3. mafeeker

    mafeeker Engineering Monsters

    I'm in a new location this summer, so the search begins for a perfect spot to grow. Fortunately I'm in a really rural area this time and should be able to find some prime locations. Got a few seeds from the attitude:

    5 Northern Lights (Nirvana)

    5 Midnight Kush (G13 labs)

    5 AMS (Barney's Farm)

    Last years grow was found by some asshole, so im hoping for better luck this year.
  4. qwert

    qwert Established Healthy Roots

    Eh..i dont understand why so much variety, are you trying to find out which strain grows better outside?

    because if i knew a strain which i could just abandone outside and it would take care of itself id jump on it in a second.

    you know? just in case you cant get there in a flash.
  5. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Was wandering a farm spot for a fellow grower's summer projects. He decided to take the all purpose grocery getter suv instead of my rig and stuck us in this tiny little mudhole. Of course I pushed after we stuck branches under the tires.........the suv grabbed hold and spun free. Of course I went SPLASH cause I'm a clumsy dumbfuck. Fell in a second time trying to scramble the fuck out. was the deep puddle on the left.

    We were both baked and laughed for a good ten minutes before either of us could talk. Then in typical midwestern understatement he looks at me all serious......"I think I'll stay a little more to the right on the way out" :roffl: :roffl: We did find a few good sites tho.


  6. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: :roffl: love it Res! That sucks, but it is funny!

    Glad to hear you found some spots though! Hope all your hard work pays off!

    Just found someone's grow very, very close to my property while walkin Luke the other day... this idiot's def gonna get busted where he's at too... such a shame, as he has some nice lookin plants. sucks to be him! I'll have to take some pics of his set up for you all to see- it's, let's say, interesting. Def a first time outdoor grower, or maybe just a not-so-bright individual... lol.

    Lookin forward to EVERYONE's outdoor grows!


  7. virago420

    virago420 Excommunicated

    Just wanted to make sure you all know, YOU STILL SUCK! We are looking at upwards of 12" of heavy wet snow tonight and most of tomorrow. This is getting sickening....

    Ive been hardening off 5 ladies that are 24"+ over the last week. But I wont let them brave the snow without some hats and mittens :roffl:

    The low tonight is supposed to be 40° with tomorrows low being 32°, fortunately we will working our way back up to lows of mid 40's by the end of the week.....finally getting there.

    I would probably be smart to wait 3 weeks before putting anything out but I will probably stick one in the ground in 2 weeks and pray the bad weather stays away.

    So I hope everyone is enjoying their warm weather! :321fu:
  8. mt.king

    mt.king mud drags champion


    I USE 39.5 X 18.5 BOGGERS WE DONT GET OUT AND PUSH:roffl::roffl::roffl::roffl::roffl::roffl:
  9. budbox

    budbox workin things out

    got a few

    i dont think ill b goin big this summer but i got a few spots and will prolly put a few clones out there a lil late just 4 the hell of it when i get my seeds. and i got a few veggin now and mite take a few clones from them. there jus bagseed so im not worried bout loosin them
  10. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    summer plans

    Hey there guys and dolls,

    What a messed up time I am having. My neighbor is raping the woods, and I am no longer hidden so....

    I have 5 female Skunk 1's and 5 female GFxIce up and ready to go, but I am thinking with me being so exposed now I am going to have to do all of my growing indoors now, but time will tell.

    My dad is dying, hospice give him just a few days, so I really could use some herb to help me be settled but seems like instead of it getting easier with the medical laws, it seems to be getting harder. I am thinking about moving because I just can't scrape up the bucks I need to fix my house up, so not sure where I will be in a year or two so I guess I will make my grow ops as portable as I can. I have been thinking of arkansas because I am told it is the cheapest state to live in and trust me I need cheap.

    Miss you all a bunch but I hate reading of all the good grows when I have jack shit. Yup I am guilty of coveting your stuff and well we all know that is not a good thing for a girl to just eat her heart now that I have a grow going I am sure I will be around asking for help.

    Hey I also invited a friend of mine to join the group, so all you florida folks you give Timmy2 all the help yah can cause she is a good gal.:beerchug-2:

    opps looked for her and I guess she isn't here yet well hehehe surprize her when she finally does sign up.
  11. north central missouri is rated one of the cheapest places to live . i have a sister that lives there
  12. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    lucky bastard!
  13. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Spent yesterday evening checking the farm. Lost a bunch of plants to critters and a herd of deer bedding in one of the sites. Already down to 1/2 of what we started with. But, as I'm learning, that's outdoor growing. Groundhogs and deer are now two of my least favorite creatures.

    No plant pics but here's a couple of the local denizens. These guys come back every year. Ran into a few turkeys but didn't have the camera on hand.



    No more grocery getter SUV's and mud pushing. Sometimes the fun isn't checking gardens...It's getting to-em.



    Once everything is well situated and getting substantial I'll put a few up of the crop. Don't even know why I'm growing this year....can't puff-em. Just gotta grow or die I guess.

  14. rangers420

    rangers420 The past cannot be cured

    good guerilla or is that your land.

    sorry dude who hates me quoting pics, im a forgetful person i wont do it again,,


    my outdoor grow is 5 greatwhite 5 k2 5 white widow and 5 lemon haze, but the lemon haze is inside under hid, i want max potency from this girl, anyways im changing up my schedule a bit doing more harvasting in may instead of nov, so i got my beans in, and im 2 weeks late but iuk weather was hot last sunday but snow still in scotland, the apprentice will confirm this, also i have a greenhouse and indoor grow op, threwe trials and four type s of grow o[s so im covered damn i didnt fdrink a whle bottle of cfrofts im stopping this, damn i cant even see the fucking screen i smoked this weed looks like some kinda of christmas tree weed but fuck must have heroin sprayed on it,

    i cant even see,

    i will come back with this or to this thread in the mornging so goooooddddniiiighttttt
  15. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Permission from the landowner.
  16. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Cant get no better than that my man. Beautiful pics.
  17. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Hello friends. I have been slacking on this thread. Mainly cuz I haven't had the $$$ to buy my medium for my outdoor grow. I also took some potential clones and threw them into my flower box and I also sold a couple clones as well.

    I hope to get most of the clones earthed by next weekend.

    Viper Diesel Clone - She is hella big for a cutting. She only took about 7 days to root. No problems at all.


    2 Weeks Viper Diesel Clone - She should ahve already been outside


    VegBox with cuttings that will go outside soon The 2 Pounder x Grapefruit clone will become a mom. Viper Diesel mom in the back left.


    Mango x G13 Widow (She is also a mom)


    Better late than never, eh? :roffl:

  18. Glitterpixiee

    Glitterpixiee Veggy Stage

    it's about time.....

    Takin eight clones and one (former) mom to the in-laws to earth sat afternoon. We're pretty excited to finally be gettin them in the ground and being our first all female outdoor crop is definitely makin it all the more better. We'll def take some pics after our work is done and post em up. Will try and keep updated as possible. Crossing our fingers that the transport goes stealthily. :icon_wink:
  19. stickyicky24

    stickyicky24 Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    What do you guys think is the best premixed soil I can get to make as a few of trips possible to some plants. I just honestly don't have the time to pick up a bunch of stuff and mix my own. I won't be living and dying by this crop just more or less 10 extra clones that I'm gonna put out and if they do well, great. If not, no sweat. Anyway just wanted to know what you guys think is the best pre mixed stuff that I can buy a few bags of.
  20. Glitterpixiee

    Glitterpixiee Veggy Stage


    It's getting late but we finally got our clones in the ground plus one former mom. The family contains 7 Viper Diesel clones and 2 Mango x G13 Widow 1 clone and 1 mom grown from seed. They aren't getting as much light as we wish but they are in a safe spot. Hope the deer and bunnies stay away (we have deterrent). They're in a remote location so will probably only update a few more times till harvest.

    Mango Mom


    Viper Diesel from clone


    Our spot!



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