Discussion in 'Hydroponic Cultivation' started by mistical, Mar 11, 2003.

  1. greenthumb420

    greenthumb420 Hash Engineer

    Not to get off topic but you say clones get weaker from generation to generation. LOL maybe after a long time just do to the fact the clones are old because their the same age as the mother plant. I've even cloned from a clone from a clone before and after a year and a half noticed no difference what so ever.And you say you prefer seeds over clones.....THAT'S A FIRST!But with your other cultivation ideas that doesn't surprise me.Not trying to flame just trying to eliminate more false information.
  2. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:I implement the NFT method....organically!

    Bat guano, eartworm castings, kelp and coral calcium/eggshellz...thatz it!!!

    Clogging can be an issue if you don't inspect and clean your waterpump from time2time(like "moi")... :)

    My drain is 1" of an inch; my feed is only 1/2 inch in my waterpump is rated at around 74 gph...i implement a 10-15 gallon reservoir...:smokin:

    Zero algae.Zero root root. Zero smell.

    My current dilemna is this:

    1)How long can 10gallons of nutes lasts amongst 9 flowering plants? Big question! I have no idea. If i owned a TDS meter...maybe that would help!! Should i invest $50 in one?

    Do any of u think a TDS meter would work in a Bioponic setup?

    I'tz been 5wkz so far...and i still haven't flushed/changed my reservoir yet...i only top them off.

    Less than 3 more weekz till flushin b4 harvest...and i'm starting to doubt that 10gallonz of organic nutes is enough!!! I might hafta flush/replace my nutes afterall...hmmm.

    They are really packing it on....maybe if i used a 20-30 gallon reservoir...maybe only then can the Nute reservoir last the entire 8 weekz(i flush during the final 2 wkz)?

    I also am wondering how gallons each plant would need to finish out the flowering cycle without adding more nutes....anyone?

    I've heard 3gallons per plant is required...but i only use about 1.4 gallons per plant.

    I'm trying to figure out how to finish the entire flowering cycle without Adding/Flushing the Nute Reservoir....mostly becuz i'm one lazy ****...believe me....:shocked:

    If somebody knows exactly how long can one gallon of nutes last for one plant....i really would like 2 know!!!!

    How 'bout u Newfie? Since u use only 2gallonz per plant...what do u think?[​IMG]

    :shocked:That'z why i own a'z are maintaince free...unlike those attention demanding dogz... :)

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 12:25 am on May 30, 2003)
  3. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    man i would invest in a TDS meter, you know exactly whats going on in your solution,and you can adjust acordingly, you can over complicate things, but to me the tds meter is the way to go. things went ok before i had a tds, now things are, well lets just say.SAFE AS FUCKING SAFENESLYSAFE,LOL peace with an axe MISTY
  4. THCdude

    THCdude Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    I've done both soil and hydro recently and with the same strain. Results: I will only use dirt for outside plants from now on, no doubt, no question. Using DWC with mass airstonage, 12 plants, 30 gallons total. Renew and adjust formula every 2 weeks (helps to keep the nutes balanced for each stage of growth). Big yields with very little muss.
  5. Useless

    Useless Diogenes Reincarnate

    Nice THC! DWC is a great growing method. Hydro is the way to go.

    Ismoke, you gotta change your ressy. Every two weeks. You notice a big difference.

    Oh yea, since you only do bio-ponics, don't waste your cash on a tds meter. Organics aren't electro-conductive.
  6. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    :alien:Thanx Useless...u might be right.

    Changing the nutes every 2 wkz would take the guesswork outta everything...kinda like hittin' the Reset button everytime my WinXP Pro Freezes up when i try to wake it up from ScreenSaver Mode... :)

    Instead of Flushin/Changing Nutes I:

    1)Add %20 more nutes.When it comes to Organics..Cannabis in fact do go thru organic fertz quickly. I learned that it'z Impossible fer 10gallonz of nutes to last the entire 8wkz Bloom Cycle. %20 of my cannabis began to i decided to add %20 more nutes at Wk#4 of Blooming. The actually started growing Faster! I'tz Bloom Wk#6 now; and I added another %20 of nutes just to see what happens. Only 2 thingz will happen-

    a)they will either burn

    b)or they'll bloom fatter budz!

    Too early to tell; i jus added more nutes t'day...only %20 more than the original amount.

    To be Honest with you; i'm already convinced that i'll remain Bioponic fer life...

    ...i promise to post a shot right before harvest time fer all of you to judge fer yerself....i'm sure you'll be surprised...i know i am...:laugh:

    Yes. I agree. Changing the Nutez every 2wkz is FoolProof!!!

    But i already know it'z foolproof. But what about only changing it once per month...or how 'bout not changin' it fer 2months!?! What would happen?

    I need 2 know. Becuz i'm one lazy "flock"... :)

    I hate changing the reservoir...yes...i'm that lazy...

    ...that'z why i chose hydro...becuz it'z fer lazy people...

    ...that'z why i switched to bioponics...becuz i think i can even be more lazier still!!!! could well be perfect fer the Lazy Grower like

    moi...hehe... :)


    I do think harvest wise...the best yeilder will be Chemical Hydro;

    ...then comes Boiponics...than last comes in Organic Soil...

    ...but we're all more into quality;not quantity am i right?

    Bioponic might not yield quite as much;or quite as fast as Chemical Hydro; but i believe it can outyield Soil...and maybe even taste better too...than Soil n Chemical Hydro both

    ...but of course Nuthin Can beat Outdoor Guerilla Farming fer sure(the ultimate "high" possibly?)...which someday i hope to try(but not in Vegas...too Hot&Dry!)....:light:

    :shocked:That'z why i own a'z are maintaince free...unlike those attention demanding dogz... :)

    Catz;like bioponics; are "purrrfect" fer Lazy Peoply...hehe.....:biggrin:

    ...corny i know....but i couldn't resist typin' "purrrfect".... :)

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 12:51 am on May 30, 2003)
  7. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    cats you say , well i,ll tell you this cats aint no good if a fucking burgler comes in to your home clart are they, i dare you to enter my abode when i aint in. THE REMAINS OF TRESPASSERS will be prosecuted , safe as **** dogs is .......
  8. Administrator

    Administrator Administrator haven't seen my cat. That lil' dude demands more attention than my 4 dogs put together :shocked:
  9. mistical

    mistical Blazed and Confused

    ok sparky dont wanna **** with you k clart carrt cat man,,,
  10. ToaD

    ToaD Developed Alternating Nodes

    Oh Oh I'm in trouble.... I don't own any fancy pens or meters. All I have is one of those moisture/PH meters and I haven't used it to test the PH and I haven't dumped out my Nutes and don't plan to either (following Nimby's routine). Just an old dill pickle bucket with a regular pot with a few extra holes drilled in it, cheap bag of lava rocks for a BBQ. Elite 802 air pump with 2 6 inch airstones. So far it's growing like a weed about twice as fast as the same strain ever did in soil. Now that all said I've switched to the bubbler because I never really felt I was getting the best out of the plant using soil not the plants fault but mine. With the bubbler it's just topping up with fresh water every day and a couple of squirts of Nutes once a week nothing could be easier. Now I just have to hope they stay alive for the next 6 weeks. [​IMG]
  11. hellostupid

    hellostupid Stupid Iz. Stupid Duz.

    "to each his own..."[​IMG]

    I named my cat Jerome. He's 4yrs old. He used to live indoors until he found some Feral Catz to hang with. Haven't seen him in 3 dayz. He only comes home to eat.

    I live in a Vegas Ghetto. Goin' on 4yrs. Just heard 10shotz behind my apt. 'bout 2hrs ago. 5 copz in front of my door. K9'z !!! The K9'z scared my shitless...especially since i juz

    ripped a fatty right before the driveby and the helicopters n all! Vegas....what a

    Just 6 dayz ago...a crackhead broke into the vacant aptz. upstairz. I had to go up there with a bat to sweat this bastard. My neigbors told me to call the copz....the last thing i wanna do....

    ...copz came poundin' a few dayz too late...:puke:

    Vegas copz are true assholes...they treat everybody in this neighborhood like ex-conz.

    Anywayz...i haven't got anything valuable...cuz everyone here

    is broke...and so am i....that'z probably why i've never been robbed here....cuz i even look broke....:sad:

    :alien:Last year some gangstaz(aka the "Beejeez" or ,"BabyGangstaz" joke) lit my backyard on fire. I called the Fire Dept. They blew me off...pretended to take my ph#...assholes. I told them if i wuz a rich homeowner...they'd have that kid arrested(i knew where that "gansta" door!).

    Think 'bout it. There lot'z of kidz livin here. Arson? I knew where the bastard baby gangsta lived and the Fire Dept. blew me off? That'z vegas fer ya. This neighborhood is even nicknamed joke. Is that the most ridiculoust name u ever heard? 5dayz ago...3kidz stole a $40 sack of dirt weed durin' a basketball game...well the owner of tha sack tracked all 3 down...all 3 died...over a $40 sack of dirt...:sad:...that'z vegas fer ya....

    All i have is my 4yr old cat Jerome who only comes home to eat 'bout every 3dayz a beautiful city!!!![​IMG]

    (Edited by ismoke2much at 1:38 am on June 1, 2003)

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