No appologies needed Hank your opinions are always welcome on one of my threads, even if you are incorrect.:roffl: Guns aren't the only lethal weapon. They're probably the most effecient but not the only one. Knives being the second most popular in a lot of countries especially the ones that have banned firearms. People have been beaten and stabbed to death with a multitude of items that are not guns in all countries especially in ones that have banned firearms. Seeing a pattern here? The human will to cause violence and brutality does not just exist where guns are plentiful. It exists everywhere. Guns may not solve the problem but they surely aren't to blame for the problem. Ask Attila the Hun if guns are necessary to cause violence. Guns thwart the advantage that the criminal depends on to take or coerce by force without impunity as long as law enforcement is not present. People as well as criminals know that the police cannot be at all places at all times so I think that an armed populace that is checked, trained, educated, and well informed of the law is a great idea even in spite of extreeme cases like this one. I can only think of the other horror stories that we'd hear and think to ourselves, "If only they could have defended themselves!". Human violence will cause suffering either way, at least the way that we do it the bad guys have just as much if not more of a chance of getting blown away in the commission of a violent crime as they have of seriously injuring or killing someone. The trade off is that the odds of a stray bullet hitting an innocent person or an unstable person not getting get blocked by the process of elimination from legally carrying a firearm go up but with measures like mandatory target training satisfaction for Carry Licence issuance and a very rigorus and highly selective process for issuing Carry Licences IMO greatly reduces those odds. No system is perfect; I just happen to like this one.:thumbs-up:
I'm with LL. It's a personal liberties thing for me. I should be able to choose what to put in my body. I should be able to choose whether to sexually prostitute myself or not. I should be able to choose what I consider to be appropriate self protection or enjoyment measures concerning firearms. I should be able to choose whether to risk my $$ in the government sanctioned casino of Wall Street or at the local gambling hall. The overall mentality of 'government' protecting us from ourselves galls me in the extreme. If I directly impact another human being negatively there should be, and are, consequences that must be paid. If I harm myself there are consequences that must be born. Just as government has no right to suppress my self inflicted harm...I also have no right to expect aid from that government to ameliorate any consequence borne of my own action. The whole idea of personal freedoms and personal responsibility has been twisted on it's ear and is barely recognizable any more. Statistics and 'safer' or 'not safer' is fairly irrelevant when context against the greater issue of self determination and inherent rights. Maybe if we didn't try to make everything 'safe' the general population would have a little more sense about them. Life is dangerous, freedom is costly and not always the most equitable, but it's better than not having the choices at all. Better to have risk with inherent rights than to be taken care of and doled out limited government issued rights IMHO. As for the fucker who shot that kid. He's a murderer. Treat him as such. Hispanic, black, white..I could give a fuck. You guys know the rules btw...argue away in sincerity and humor, it's all good. Start throwing "douche", "fuck off asshole" or "idiot" around then there's trouble.asssit:
I just saw this on the news with Obama talkin about it. "Self defence" shouldnt come into it,not when this zimmerman dude was in pursuit of the black kid and 911 told him to stand down but he goes onto deal out his own warped 'justice',fucked up and i totally agree with the comment about how he should be doin life with the type of guys he was out to bring down..... lol,fuckin hell this is what happens when you have neighbour hood watch guys with guns Neighbour hood watch guys over here are fuckin nuisances who report people to the police for all manner of stupid reasons but thats cool cos all they are doing is giving the info to the cops to deal with but id be fuckin terrified if the neighbour watch geezers over here had guns and a law that enables them to act to stop a crime from happening cos how exactly do we determine if a crime was or wasnt being carried out when the only other witness is the guy with the gun cos the other kids dead?FUCKED UP. I dont want a piece of the gun debate,iv made that mistake on here before Fair enough i do get the whole 'rights' thing but problem is when you have uniform rights on things like guns then that means the retarded ones have rights to guns too.There should be some sort of 'fit and proper person' test,do you guys have anything like that?Cos yes fair enough we all should have a right to protect ourselves,no arguments on that issue from me:icon_biggrin: But just like before someone can get behind the wheel of a car they have to prove they have knowledge of driving laws and stuff like that then maybe it should be the same for guns?Over here we have a theory driving test besides the practical one,maybe there should be a theory gun test to seperate the dumbasses from the decent guys.Throw in some questions like : some kids flip you the bird do you a) engage in mortal combat, b) flip it right back at them or c) walk on by..... Self defence is a grey area for many over here,a lot of people are unaware of what they are entitled to do when defending life,limb and property and its defo an area that needs clearly defined.I certainly know a lot more about the issue but i wouldnt reccomend my line of research.Time for another pipe,peace out:bong-2: EDIT:Be interesting to see what a Florida Jury make of it all though:bong2:
The guys seems to have 'issues' Theres a thing on sky news all about this just now,they say its opening up a big debate..:eusa_eh: A debate?WTF the only debate should be over his jail tem if it turns out this kid only had skittles on him.The Police need to explain why the fuck he wasnt even arrested?Oh got to go sky news are just reporting a shooting at canary wharf in London Talkin about russian hitmen:tvlaugh:
Want to know what im thinking? How the fuck does Obama know what his son would look like? Bad Taste?Aye maybe:eusa_whistle::cya:
It's starting to get a little rediculous now. They keep saying that theses laws are responsible for things that they are not responsible for. Some kid got shot while hiding in someones garage for some reason or another in Wisconsin. Now they're attacking the "Castle Doctrine" Laws! WTF? Are they really gonna start taking every shooting incident and use it to pick gnat-shit out of pepper with all of the progress that the 2nd Amendment has made in the last 11 or 12 years? They're saying that the Castle Doctrine law in Wisconsin is the reason that a guy isn't under arrest for shooting someone on his property that had no legitimate reason to be there. The Castle Doctrine does not determine if someone is arrested or not; the investigating officer decides that. So once again the focus is on the law and not the investigating body where it belongs! And in this case the shooter had a quazi-legitimate reason for being afraid. The local police department actually were more justified in not arresting this guy than the police department in Florida was in not arresting fucking Pancho Villa and does anyone even care? No. Because fake outrage has set in. Sad.
{Obama} "He's how my son would look if I had married Beyonce'. I had the CIA make me a picture of how he'd look. See? Michelle."
Aye see this is how it is over here,you have a right to kill in your own home,like say,you are fully entitled to stab someone if they have stabbed you or have a weapon and you can shoot someone if they have a gun,etc... but even though you are entitled to do so your life still hangs on the hands of a jury.They prosecute you no matter if you have a right to defend yourself and property they just let a jury decide and even then they only need a 8-7 majority verdict but in England they have started not even prosecuting people for killing invaders to their own home and even if they do take someone to trial down there they need unanimous or All of the jury bar one for a majority. This zimmerman guy is what makes the prosecution always prosecute,this guys actions are gonna mean that some poor guy who defends himself legally in the future down Florida way is gonna see himself charged and jailed as a response to this outrage.Fucked up.Peace
Fuckin weird thing to say,lol,obviously i know what he means by that but still I feel for the boys mother though,shes right,that coulda been anyones son innocently walking home with his skittles.Obamas "son" wouldnt be walking home from no store with no skittles unless he had a bunch of secret service alongside.Peace:jj:
Ahh ,see i KNEW that kid had to be doing something!!!! He was wearing a fucking hoodie,now we know WHY he got shot.Thanks for clearing that up for me Geraldo... :5eek: I cant believe he tried to justify that comment
There aren't any in my neighborhood. That was my point. If you stay out the pimping, meth, and fraud rackets, you aren't likely to meet any. The 'only police and organized crime having guns isn't safe' pro-gun defense doesn't really hold up here. Exceedingly safe. The only nutters that worry me here are the random kiddie snatchers and/or rapists, but me having a gun wouldn't do anything to improve that situation.
The only place you need a gun in the world is were everyone else has a gun, like errr, the US. Ive never owned a gun and i dont know anyone else who owns one. I do know the majority of the local villians and badies and hardly any of them have a gun and none of them would ever actually use a gun. Armed robbery fell out of fashion in the early 90's.
Well Hank and Skuzzi those examples of areas of the world where either the socioeconomic matrix isn't extreemly out of wack, or have the advantage of homogeny, or have a relately recent history that isn't infused with hatred, racial tension, and mainstream cultural exclusion that has spawned a blackmarket/armed criminal sub-culture that is just as prevalent if not more prevalent than the mainstream culture are quite nice. Unfortnately here there are people that will kill you for positive rep with their gang of personal choice; just like Grand Theft Auto. Thanx for the segway Skuzz!:thumbsup: EDIT: But I do realize that if left completely unchecked we could get to the point where another armed sub-culture is a problem; the legally armed idiot! That's what I want to prevent but not at the cost of blanket deletion of a, IMO, basic human right that is very necessary in places where I stay.