"Stand Your Ground" Scape-Goated

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackprince11, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    You think America is that much different than the UK? The UK is violent and knows a bit about racial tension. But, they have no guns so it gets done with knives. If everybody had guns it would be much worse and that's what the guys that live there are telling you.

    As Skuzzi said, "The only place you need a gun in the world is were everyone else has a gun."

    I'm quite fond of this quote.

    "I am not anti-gun. I'm pro-knife. Consider the merits of the knife. In the first place, you have to catch up with someone in order to stab him. A general substitution of knives for guns would promote physical fitness. We'd turn into a whole nation of great runners. Plus, knives don't ricochet. And people are seldom killed while cleaning their knives."

    - Molly Ivins
  2. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Yeah the UK is quite violent, just ask TA. Im glad we dont have guns. TA, amazingly, is still here. If guns were involved that night I doubt he would be.
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    ROFL@"just ask TA"..cheers skuzz!

    Aye the UK of course is violent.Just cos we dont roll with guns dont mean shit. Up here in Glasgow having a knife is like a fuckin fashion accessory,sadly:sad4: I used to have access to a glock back in the day but i can honestly say having a gun caused me more headaches and hassle than not having one.Im not gonny get into the whole gun debate cos i can only comment from my own perspective here in the UK where guns are definetly not needed.Aye theres guns,lots of them but you'll never see them unless you are involved in that kinda lifestyle like drugs.Knives are being clamped down on with mandatory 4 year sentences being dished out here in Scotland.I for one will never touch a knife again,surely pepper sprays,stunguns,etc should be legal for self defence before guns or anything else:ponder:If nobody had guns then that would mean all these cowardly fuckers who find it so easy to pull a trigger and erase a life would have to man up in combat.I know for a fact people are gonna say in my case if i had a gun against a group of guys with sword,knife,screwdriver and iron bar that i wouldnt have been injured but im not so sure cos the sight of a gun wouldnt have stopped these drunken fools that night so what was the answer,shoot them ALL?No thanks.Plus if guns are legal then that night i woulda got shot to fuck and had NO chance of survival,even after i was knocked out they beat me for 20minutes solid iv been told so iv no doubt they woulda shot me if they could have.I was lucky to survve but at least i had a chance,gunshot wounds woulda denied me that chance.I think it takes more balls to be up close to the whites of someones eyes with a knife than to shoot from a non contact distance with a gun but thats just my :2c:.My views have changed a lot recently cos i do know at one point in my life i prolly would have been progun,now im just pro-live and let live:wink:Like i said though,i can only see things from my own viewpoint,iv not lived in America and grew up around guns so all i know is guns in the UK would be a really bad thing,its bad enough with all these little bastards with knives!.Peace:ebert:
  4. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

  5. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Alright you've got a point.
  6. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I know but.....

    Even though I'm tempted to be like one those annoying super-religious people that just refuse to get the point because they don't want to because it would ruin the point that they're trying to make: "I know it dosen't make sense but I still want to save your soul from the pits of hell," I'm not gonna be. I get your point. I just wish.... no I'm not gonna say it! Peace!
    Hank Chinaski likes this.
  7. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

  8. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    I thought crackers were white ppl? He's yellow.

    Most the racist shit in the UK is between asians and blacks. Its fucking mental lol.
  9. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    They've been calling him a "white Hispanic" in all the stories....whatever the fuck that means....
  10. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Light yellow then.
  11. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    I dunno, who gives a squirt about nonamericans opinions? (if we're arguing US gun rights) If you aint in my country, screw you....stay where your at and change "your world" then, if we all know so damn much, how come we're here chilling on a website talkin bout how smart we all are and how we all got it figured out????

    I kinda think we're all morons here.....we hide behind the drug cuz we cant cope with traditional life

    Fact is, every single member here is no differant than a caveman from the stoneage or a pencil pushing uber-nerd, we all bleed red...knife,gun,stick,fork....whaever your weapon of choice may be, in whatever country you may be in

    These pro gun comments and anti comments are beyond mindbending, if u dont want a gun, dont get one, if you DO, get one......other than that, stay outa my house, cuz aint a single dude on here gunna protect my family from the goverment or a stranger

    My question is.......If some guy is in your house at 3am while your family and kids are sleeping, dude comes in your bedroom to KILL you and your wife.......HE has a knife..........BUT you have a gun under your pillow..do you survive or die??????????????


    what if he has a GUN and you have a knife??? Now what? Who wins? who walks away?

    I mean put yourself in that position instead of making emotional decisions, ive had my life in jepordy 2 times, guns and knives involved.......IM ALIVE!
  12. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Even though I am pro-gun, that reasoning makes no sense seCrete. That is the same reasoning we now have the TSA. Oh, "terrorists" succeed once so we got to protect everybody because one situation happened. Home invasions do happen (though not often enough to justify owning a gun), but to be honest I'd rather rely on my k-bar than a gun. People miss with bullets, more so idiots robbing houses with no training. I know where my blade will go when I decide to put it there.
  13. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    Thats so american :rofl:
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


    BP,dont worry about it man,im SO not wanting in on this debate,been there done that and still got the carpet burns!:roll:
  15. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I'll just say, as a matter of disclosure, that even though I don't like the general American gun culture and think most of the pro-gun side's arguments are really whack, if I lived in America I would probably get a gun or two. A rifle first of all for hunting, but maybe a pistol for in the house.

    Hell, even here in Japan, where I most definitely don't need one and am very appreciative of that fact, if I could get a gun, I would, just to have it.

  16. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Maize. :pimp:
  17. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    That fuckin murderin maize bastard!:rofl: (dont quite work as a racial slur:roll:)
  18. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Maybe if you added "Frankie Beaverly and the......" before "maize" then that could be considered a racial slur!:laughing6:
  19. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    I thought asians were the yellow ones. He is more of a blanched almond to me :thumbs-up:
  20. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    What I think they are trying to say is that for whever reason guns are not as prevalent in other cultures and in other parts of the world and just being truthful it may may be one of many contributing factors in why some law abiding citizens need guns in some areas of big cities and even in rural areas. The reality dosen't change on the ground for us here whether they fully understand or not. This melting pot/social experiment that we call a country gives us a very different perspective and even within our culture there are those that disagree. I'm just glad that I understand that carrying legally is probably the sensible thing to do bacause of where I live and do business and I'm not just a walking target out here!:bong-2:

    A target with teeth as the kids like to say.....:pimp:

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