See this is why i try stay outta the debate Its like one of you guys telling me the UK needs guns,id be the fuck would you guys know?Thats why i try limit my talk to saying the UK dont need guns.I dont have a clue what America does or doesnt need apart from legalised weed:icon_wink:
Agree wholeheartedly Ap, each country to their own. Here in the U.S. I still go places where the nearest law enforcement help can be a hundred miles away with no way to contact them even if they could help. On a boat offshore the Florida Keys, out in the plains of Montana or North Dakota or on Canadian border waters the only person you can count on is yourself if shit goes down. No cop is gonna be there to do anything other than clean up the mess, if they ever find your body in the first place. Over the years I've run into some goofy fucks in remote areas and been glad I had a firearm tucked away just in case.
Good point RRand THAT is probably the most sensible argument and least over zealous viewpoint iv ever heard on the debate that simply makes fuckin sense RR:thumbsup: You know id never actually thought of it like that,i suppose in many parts of America theres still that kinda pioneer in no mans land mentality where there ISNT any cops nearby and i CAN see why having a gun in that situation isnt just a lifestyle choice but a neccesity. I still refer back to my original post on the issue where i say there should be the equivalent of a fit and proper person test or summit like that to weed out the fannies from the law abiding sensible gun owners.Some sort of theory exam along with background checks before you are ever permitted a gun license,forgive me if you already have this,im not too clued up on how to get a gun over there but there must be someway to stop clueless people getting guns who go onto shoot up schools and shit like that:5sigh: I see the trayvon bashing has begun online and in the daily mail,you can always rely on the daily fucking mail! Between Geraldo saying its his own fault for wearing a hoodie and now the daily mail race baiting by insinuating he was a burglar this just goes to further convince me that I FUCKING DETEST TRIAL BY MEDIA SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!(Although im not so sure WTF his mum is doing trademarking his name:icon_confusedfftheair:;_ylt=AlecxeW61yf7EGOs4BVBNRLZ7BR.;_ylv=3?qid=20120327074211AADt98S /monthly_2012_03/article-2120504-125AFDAD000005DC-895_634x474.jpg.34ab1f60693a718825c70e7ad30c25b4.jpg
I honestly wish that there was some kind of test like we do with driving that proves you can use a weapon. Again, I am pro-gun, but if you can't hit a grown person in a non-(usually)lethal area, then you shouldn't own a gun. If you need to shoot to kill, by all means do it. But if you just want to disable someone, know how to fucking do it without a death on your hands. This is not a skill that has to be naturally given at birth, armies all over the world have been perfecting this for thousands of years.
Well there is, kind of. Virtually anybody but a felon can own a long gun. Everybody who has a handgun that purchased from a shop has a waiting period and background check. Anybody packing legally has to attend gun safety and a State approved course and have a criminal background check. Anybody who hunts in most States must present a Gun Safety Course certificate before acquiring a license unless they were born before 1965 (in most States) Here's the requirements to apply for a carry permit in MN Must be at least 21 years of age Must complete an application form Must not be prohibited from possessing a firearm under Minnesota Statute 624.714 Must not be listed in the criminal gang investigation system Must be a resident of the county from which you are requesting a permit, if you reside in Minnesota. Non-residents may apply to any Minnesota county sheriff. Must provide certificate of completed authorized firearms training. Training by a certified instructor and completed within one year of an original or renewal application. (624.714, Subd. 2a) Permit is valid for a period of 5 years. Additional training is required to renew. The loophole is private transactions of guns are largely unregulated. U.S. anti-gun folk paint a picture of the wild west with people buying guns willy nilly and shooting it out on the street. That may be true of the thugs who don't follow the rules already...but folks like me jump through plenty of hoops. It's the same thing the MJ Prohibitionists do using inflamed propaganda to paint an inaccurate picture of the average pot smoker.
And that's where the legal minutia begins because technically if you use a gun justifiably (in MY state, I don't know about any others) you MUST prove that there was a REAL danger of loss of life REASONABLY felt by the shooter or someone they are responsible for with the same right to self defense. You can't shoot to wound. That's an Aggrivated Assault. If the person you shoot survives it better be by accident, god damn'it! MY state defines REAL DANGER and REASONABLE to mean even if the gun was not real if the shooter has a reason to think it is real and a danger to life is imminent then they are justified in using deadly force. That's not cool to be asking a person that is under threat of death or serious bodily injury to have to confirm that someone has a real gun or not. If they are presenting it as real and behaving as if it is real then it is in fact justified that the shooter would think it is real. That's what the "Stand Your Ground" Laws are all about! It dosen't justify someone getting their ass handed to them in a fist fight pulling a gun and shooting someone especially when they were the aggressor in the initial incident. I've seen people on the news characterizing these laws as allowing things that, legally speaking, they don't allow. The "Castle Doctrine" basically says that if an intrider breaks the barrier of your home and it is obvious that you're in the home, you can assume that their intent is to commit seroius bodily injury or death. The presentation or possession of a weapon is not necessary in the event of a legal "Home Invasion". That's what the Castle Doctrine is all about. You can't hide in your house with your car parked somewhere else to give the impression that you are not home and then shoot someone that intended to simply burgularize your home. You can't invite some into your home and have an argument and then shoot them if you get mad at them. None of this is true! But in the event that someone DOES invade your home with you and or your family in it the law says that they will not require you to see or hear a weapon; you can assume that they don't want tea and crumpets and open fire! You can assume that it's not Extreeme Home Makeover and defend yourself and your family! :qleft6: I'm not saying that you're saying those things LL, I'm just using this post to lay down some truth!
TN reciprocates with Minnesota. Your standards are tougher than ours a bit though! It's the same 5 year validity but with no additional training clause, and the training certificate is only good for 6 months down here. No gang investigation system clause BUT inclusion into our gang book requries a felony which excludes an applicant from app anyway. Makes sense that our states reciprocate.
I disagree. If I am in a position that I am FORCED to point my gun at you, I am going to shoot to kill you. I have been around guns all my life. I have always been trained to shoot for center mass. If I am protecting me, my house, my family, and you are trying to do me harm, why would want to wound you? I am going to kill you, and sleep soundly. Peace....
Because I have morals. If i can stop an intruder without killing them, why waste a human life because you cant hit anything but center? You can hit the bullseye in darts everytime and still lose the game.
Would you wound an animal that was attacking you? If only to spare its' life. And if you miss hitting a leg or shoulder and the person keeps coming? Then what???? I won't take that chance. I will put 2 in your chest. Does this mean I have no morals??? No. It just means I made a choice. I live you die. Peace.....
I'd shoot to disable; not kill. I hope and pray to make it thru this life without taking another's, just because I could.
I'm not planning to take a life and I hope I am never in that situation. That being said, if it is a choice between him or me, I choose me, every time. Peace....
My guess is 99% of the posters who own and use a gun for protection would piss down their leg if they ever needed to use it and wouldn't be able to aim fer shit. Myself included. Never ever want to fire a weapon upon another human being...but if I did it'd have to be a situation where that person needs to be dead and I'm not stopping pulling the trigger until they are. Then I'd puke, tear down my garden, change my shit filled my pants, puke again and call the that order.
LL you shoot someone you better finish them shoot to maim and youll get know that pharmacist in Oklahoma that shot the 2 guys ? what got him was he turned his back to the downed suspect to get another loaded weapon.....once he turned his back he showed he no longer posed a signifcant shoot a guy in the leg they will say it wasnt life or were in the wrong...
As would I. The only thing I won't sacrifice is my or another's life. Take it all man...then go. But if that's not going to be the case then I'll fight back with everything I can get my hands on. I keep one of these because I don't want to aim and want the most effective tool for close range. If you can't fire or miss it makes a damn fine bludgeon too.
Animals aren't human, especially wild ones. Just injuring one is cruel unless you plan on taking it to a vet afterward. Like I said before, shoot to kill if you have to, but always shooting to kill is the problem that lets democrates make gun restrictions. I personally am proud I can shoot well enough to disarm without a death and would feel horrible killing a person even in self defended.
Where did this come from? Who shoots to "injure" an animal? How is that germain to shooting a home invader or in self defense or the right to own firearms? Don't get it.
dlr has a point though... Aye but Lion i do get the point here cos for one its flawed slightly in that even if you shoot to disable roll:Just picturing you in a rage-"I'll fuckin disable you motherfucker"),its not always guarenteed cos you can still hit arteries and shit,its like knifes,people stab other people in the legs thinking its a flesh wound but many people have died after the femoral artery is burst.But more than that,all the people that are trained to use guns are trained to hit the target and i suppose in that flash moment when you are under threat and have a traget coming at you then all your gonna do is POP POP POP straight to the centre chest,its a natural reaction right? I aint pro-gun but i DO admit if i was ever to pull one on someone then it would be for fear of my life and in that situation id shoot to kill.How can you shoot to disable if they are armed and coming at you?In that case you have a right to shoot to defend and kill,if i lived there id never draw my weapon but you can bet if i ever did have to then id hit my target 10 outta 10 times so in that sense i agree with dlr's 1st post...but then again what the fuck do i know about guns.Peace:jj: