"Stand Your Ground" Scape-Goated

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackprince11, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    Hitting arteries and veins is part of doing business, but it's far from the fun of doing it on purpose.
  2. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    The "shoot to kill" type of legal requirement isn't as nefarious as people might think is. Think about it: The law requires that if your gun comes out of your holster AND you shoot you had better be stopping someone from seriously injuring or killing yourself or someone else with that right by attempting to lethally injure them; if not then your firearm probably shouldn't be out of it's holster in the first place. All kinds of bullshit is unable to be investigated reasonably when the law allows a person to intentionally seriously injure another person legally under circumstances not requiring ultimately lethal intent. The only exception is when your presentation of your firearm actually stops the lethal aggressison. You at that point do not have the right to carry out the intention of the drawing of your firearm because it has thwarted the immediate threat like when you pull your gun and the perpetrator drops their weapon and surrenders or when the perpetrator gives up their firearm and retreats.

    It really works if you step away from the rhetoric and actually LOOK at it in legal action. I hope that if it turns out that this guy wasn't justified after all, as it already looks, that they throw the book at him for no other reason that it'll take the wind out of the sails of the opponents of common sense legislation supporting the 2nd Amendment like Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine Laws! But if he actually WAS justified I'll defend him till my dying breath!
  3. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    One of drl posts hence why I showed the non comparison. Had to look up germain, my wife did not....bastard.
  4. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Here in Texas, the instructor for the Concealed Handgun License (state trooper) tells us that if we're going to shoot, then shoot to kill. If you shoot to maim, then they can come back and sue you for disabling them. Either way, if you shoot somebody, justified or not, it's going to cost about 10k for a grand jury to decide if you were in the right or in the wrong. I fully believe in gun ownership, but I don't own one because I grow. We have a Castle Doctrine here and I say, probably 75% of legal, law abiding gun owners in Texas would have shot his ass too.
  5. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Again, shoot to kill if you have to. Of course a cop would tell you that, they aren't trained well. I have a cop friend in a major city and I wouldn't trust him with an m-80. I would rather face a lawsuit than a funeral if at all possible. Bottom line for me is if you own a weapon you should know how to use it well, and not rely on a point and shoot. This shit isn't a camera.
  6. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Aaaaaaahhhh...now I get it. Meant "germane"....sorry, sure Mrs. Lion would never do those things.:dink::bong-2:
  7. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I can't believe the % of racist vigilante fucktards is that high in Texas, but I could be wrong.

  8. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.


    :noway:Eh Hank thats not fair,you are forgetting that this kid was fucking wearing a hoodie and packing with skittles:eusa_naughty:

    Its also been rumoured he skipped school and shit like that,lets not rush to judge man:smoke2:
  9. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Just cause the kid was black, doesn't mean he didn't have it coming..If the kid was white, would this conversation have started at all? It's dark and the guy walks up on somebody conspiciously hiding behind a car.He reaches for something that could be a weapon and gets shot. If his parents would have taught him better, he wouldn't be in that situation in the first place
  10. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Like i said in an earlier post,all this trial by media shit is just wrong,for BOTH sides of the coin. Juggalo think about what your saying though,so a kid walking home from the store aint allowed to pull out his skittles while walking through a neighbour hood watch estate cos that COULD possibly be mistaken as a threat pulling a weapon,where do we draw the line:ponder: NOW the stuff iv read in recent days saying that zimmerman had a broken nose and stuff like that and witnesses say they saw teryvon on top of him,well thats different entirely and could explain a lot.All i know from personal experience is that the truth NEVER comes out until trial,until then its all rumours and Im gonna try reserve judgement on it till we hear the evidence but if the kid didnt attack then surely we cant justify him being shot cos he pulled out his skittles in a suspicious manner?If zimmerman was being attacked then theres only gonna be one guy walking away from that and thats the guy with the gun.I dont see a black kid,just a kid and i dont see his shooter being white or hispanic,just another pain in the fuckin ass neighbour hood watch guy.Peace:ebert:
  11. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    Ap, I get what you saying, and it's a screwed up situation to begin with. The kid should have known that if someone confronts you in the middle of the night, don't reach into your pockets period. The guy didn't just walk up on him and put him down. There had to be a confrontation or there would be no reason for him to argue for justifiable homicide.
  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Aye i do agree that for this guy to claim what is essentially self defence then yeah theres gotta be mitigating circumstanes of sorts.I reckon the guys came of the phone to police dispatch and the kids noticed hes been tailing him and hes confronted him and zimmermans accused him of shit and its kicked of from there,i dunno maybe zimmerman was parched and asked for a drink of his ice tea and the kid reached for it and ......well i'll wait to see what comes out in the wash at trial,defo a fucked up situation but then again in my case people were spouting of all manner of shit about how id attacked some guy in his friends house with 2 swords in front of my son but at trial we established that i was the one attacked in my home and they were the ones pre-armed,not me.It just goes To show that until a trial establishes events then history is written by who shouTs loudest to the media.Peace:ebert:
  13. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Why would he have it coming? He was unarmed, walking home from the store. Even if he was beating the guy up, that doesn't justify shit as the neighborhood watch guy shouldn't have been following him in the first place and was told not to by the 911 operator.

    And, no, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation if the kid was white. That's the point. He'd a went on home and drank his iced tea and played video games, or something, without being stalked by a crazy, armed vigilante fool.

    How anyone is going to try and justify Zimmerman's actions is beyond me. "The kid should have known that if someone confronts you in the middle of the night, don't reach into your pockets period." What the hell kinda reasoning is that? Blame the victim much? A person in America doesn't have the right to put their hands in their pockets (assuming that's what happened) without out being blown away? This Zimmerman fool is creeping around in the night with his pistol trying to play undercover cop or something and shoots an unarmed kid. How is that some kinda justifiable self-defense? It wouldn't be for a regular cop, why is it for a wanna be neighborhood watch creep?

    Shocking. How is it that he "had it coming" in any way possible?
  14. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

  15. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Well, in that case, I guess the shooting was justified.

  16. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    i lived on a construction yard a few years back to mke sure nothing got stolen. (before i moved in they were breaking in everynight). One night they stoles the 100 foot leads off a welding truck..i called the cops and made a report. i told the cop i was gonna shoot the next fucker i caught in here. the cop said to me "Alright just remember, if you shoot some ex con dopehead thats in here stealing youll never get in trouble, if you shoot someones thug 17 year old kid who thinks its cool to steal youll go to prison...Choose wisely"
  17. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

  18. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    The sad part of the aftermath is the demonizing being done by left, right, racists of all bents (yes, Jesse and Al are racists, the Panthers are racists), the anti gun zealot lefties, the anti pot smoking righties (yes, Trayvon was suspend from school for weed, as if that has anything to do with anything to do with it)

    All this and last year 42 kids under 19 y/o were murdered in Detroit alone with nary a whisper from Al, Jesse, Geraldo, Spike or the assorted clingers on at any publicized crime. I view these "clingers" as similar to spent toilet paper wads stuck to a stinky hairy asshole and simple opportunists. It's a bullshit circus simply because the big names have decided it's a good piece upon which to foist their individual propaganda.
  19. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    spike lee is an asshole.
  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Actually earlier in the thread we decided the politically correct racial term for him is MAIZE:roll:

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