I wish I could be a black-hispanic officially! I would qualify for more services!:kidding: That's uncomfortable! I'm sorry! :kidding:
Yes. I just watched Do the Right Thing again and wanted to reach through the screen and punch him in the face the entire time.
going to have to read this, don't remember this thread? Where's BP anyways??? I wanna hear his take now that the evidence has come out? I wonder if he's looting or shooting :roffl:
So lets see...Zimm's a maize colored almond bastard, and half this board has never shot a gun before. I say that because you ALWAYS shoot center mass. You guys fucking rambos or something? You can hit an arm in low light 50 feet away? Or even 21' like most gun fights? :roffl: Go to the range sometime...See how easy that really is:roffl: That's why it's called "shot groupings"....because you can aim exactly the same spot as the previous round and it 2-3" away. The only way anyone at all ever would shoot someone in the leg/arm is if they are torturing someone or they missed their chest :roffl:. You wouldn't be able to hit someone's arm/leg in a true emergence because look at your arm what's it about 5 in profile?? So you going to aim at a 5" target in low light with your life on the line? BULLSHIT....that's why they always tell you center mass, because your rounds are more likely to hit something that way, even if it is an arm or leg, because you aint hitting someone where you are aiming in a situation like that. And then we can go into the whole over penetration aspect of that as well...thigh meat aint stopping a .40...and you are responsible for that round Can anyone show ANY data that teaches ANY SKILLED shooters to aim for the head?? You know why, because your head is a small target...but it's still bigger than arm or leg. I don't want to hear no double tap shit either (one in the chest one in the head) bullshit either
I was tought to shoot from an early age. Both my parents were cops. My dad and my instructors always tought "center mass". Why try and hit a arm or leg when your chest makes a nice big target. I don't EVER want to have to shoot someone, but if I do, I am aiming for the chest. Lots of good stuff to shoot in the chest. Peace.....
Doubtful, I think BP knows how to handle himself just not around women Dlr yeap you always aim for center mass...organs galore in there. Worst case if you miss by a foot you hit limb or head, but you aim for limb and miss you hit nothing and can loose your life
I'm still around. No hoodie or skittles while I'm walking though; my .45 ACP leads me through the shadows of the Valley of Darkness these days. Me and women are cool; it's just the ones that flip-out and try to get violent that have anything to fear from me. Once I deem that someone is about to imminently harm me they no longer have a sex or a gender; they are someone that can either stop what they're doing and go away and count to 10 or they can die. Period. You can let some fucking chick knife you in an alley or knock your eye-ball out of it's socket and have you walking around with your eye-ball hanging out of your face by that nerve connecting it with your brain trying to be a gentleman if YOU want to; that's YOUR business! But that chick better get the fuck away from me or calm her ass down! End of story. I don't have any other options for ANYONE trying to do me harm.
Guy with his eyeball dangling out of its socket: Man, I just didn't FEEL right being violent with a woman. I have too much respect for women to do that. Other guy: Well, seeing that your eyeball is dangling by a thread and you have a gaping knife wound that's currently gushing blood, how do you FEEL now?