starting in maine

Discussion in 'Outdoor Cultivation' started by strawberry.cough, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. SWED420

    SWED420 Developed Alternating Nodes

    the temps have been low here and mine have got redish at the top like stressed tho, and some of the leaves are whitish too so i hope they work out cus theres no bringing back here
  2. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    yeah rain to spare, and just 40. I put them in the shed figured it was better than letting them sit out in the pouring rain. I trussed them up to make up for the wind. Sure as heck did some damage. I hope it isn't like last summer. I am soo tired of high heat and humidity. maine isn't suppose to get that hot. 90 and a fog horn in each wacked is that?:icon_scratch:
  3. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    I know that it is hot button topic but I really do th ink the climate is changing. Rain rain rain rain rain:BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :5crackup: I have had to bring in all of the plants. I have a weather ocd also, so here is what the weather for me is, it has rained over 1.5 inches in the last hour. The dew point is 54 temperature is 56. did I remember to mention my roof leaks like a sieve and I have diapers in the ceiling?This is getting quite dreary.........


    skunk 09.JPG

    closet grow june 09.JPG

    bud skunk.JPG




  4. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    I'm not in Maine, but this shitty rainy weather is getting to me too...

    Besides the crap weather, those plants look awesome, Berry!


  5. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    Yeah this is the best I have ever grown....thanks to the friendly minds at GK. Anyway, doesn't even really feel like it should be in the outdoor grow except I will take the outdoor plants back out when I am convinced they will not freeze or drown. It has stopped raining for now. I am being drawn to the closet to look at the lights, or is it to drool over the buds.
  6. lukesmommy

    lukesmommy "lil doobie"

    for me, it's a definate "drool over the buds"... :sleepy3: :sleepy3: :sleepy3: :sleepy3: :sleepy3:
  7. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    I just ran numbers counting my ducks and all, and I think I should see about 2 pounds from the 11 plants and the 1 that I have been ummm trimming shall we say? it is definately and interesting buzz. ummmm ummm umm
  8. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    The sun will be out....tomorrow!

    Take your nice looking girls out....tomorrow.

    :smokin: :thumbsup: :wink:
  9. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    At least you'll have a nice harvest so you can be stoned while you watch soggy diapers drip. Lookin at those pics I half expected to see HC's washing machine in the background.

  10. strawberry.cough

    strawberry.cough looking into the abyss

    ugh the mold came and got all three of the plants I left outside. I am so depressed. I feel like crawling under the bed and just not coming out. If the fog and rain doesn't leave soon I will not be able to force myself to go through another cold windy crappy winter with diapers on my ceiling.
  11. choker

    choker HIDING OUT

    I hate to say it but "thats farming" I have been there. Let me tell ya. I fought the drought and then it froze 1 year.

    I feel your pain.
  12. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Damn Berry sorry to hear about your mold sucks bigtime my bubblelicious got mold last time & I had to chop my Ice so it wouldn't . Got a couple White-Widows growing right now. My basement is high humidity because all the rain been raining for 3 months now what the fuck is going on. Oh I back to smoking weed again LOL AK-48 tonight . Later my friend -Bud
  13. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh Berry:shocked: Mold????

    I know what your going through.

    So get some more going outside, there is enough time to at least have one oz plants or something, which is better than nothing.

    Good luck.

    There's always tomorrow. :smokin:

    which I hate to say is calling for rain.:siskel: :siskel:
    Mermaid likes this.
  14. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    start cloning berry. Still got a few more weeks planting time darlin.
  15. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~ has been 2 weeks and more of rain everyday so I do feel for ya sis!

    One good thing is you won't have to worry about watering them and as long as your getting the rain I am, it is not the bad kind. We have sunshine/cloudy days and then by late afternoon it starts....rain rain and more rain.

    On a more positive note>>no NorEastern or hurricanes so "its all good" :)

    T-storms heading here tonight so hopefully NO big hail. Will admit I had somewhat of a scare last week when we got hail. Checked the girls the next morning and they were all ok....mj is one tough plant IMO so it can withstand more then other flowers or plants IMO. ;)

    So did you get them out yet girl?? Supposed to be cooler and sunny tomorrow......hopefully your forecast is the same. Today it was humid and high 90's but had sun in the morning till the rain clouds rolled in.

    Happy growing!!! :animbong:
  16. blah blah boy

    blah blah boy Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Ya Berry! :smile: They said it might be nice tomorrow.

    It's probably a 50% chance :icon_scratch:

    But we got to have "high" hopes though. Think Positive...Better days are coming. :wink:

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