Still Pretty new to all this

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by RookieGrower, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Budrebel

    Budrebel Germinating

    Wow. Where to even begin. My first suggestion is to get a good book on growing and read the entire thing. Those plants are not even close to where they should be at the age, and I think there a lot of basics that you need to learn to tackle this successfully. Not only the lighting, but the proper room conditions, the right kind of soil, the right nutrients needed at every stage, and basic no-no's like cutting off leaves.
  2. Budrebel

    Budrebel Germinating

    Dude...there is no way you will get any hash from those plants at this stage.
  3. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    ok My plants do look pretty week. I can start seeing myself.

    Lets go back to Basics. I want to Grow around 2-4 solid plants. in that closet. the closet is 4ftx4ftx8ft

    What HID light as far as wattage should i get. what kind of soil, ect.

    Thank you for the info
    Boa likes this.
  4. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Man to get what you need at once is gonna cost some bucks homie.

    400w hps light $212 for a switchable (MH and HPS with the flip of a swich)

    hood to cool light in that size cab. $100-$150 about

    If you go with the stanly fans for exhaust and cooling (cheap floor blowers from hardware store) and epuipment about $150 (thats 2 fans 6"tubing and conectors)

    Dirt is ur choice man, alot of newbie growers go with the merical grow soil but i dont recomend it. You have to find a growshop in ur area (should be one or look on the internet) I get bales of pro 1 mix from the hydro store for $40 a bale and that will last you a while with that many plants at a time.

    Then you have to look at nutrents. Fox farm is a nice nute. vendor and ive had great success with them but there are alot of different vendors so look into it. Your on ur way bro and i give u good rep. for tryin and listening to us. Spend a couple days in the FAQ's and just search through the beginners lounge till u find something that really intrests you and follow the way this person is doin it bro. keep on keepin on bro!:affro:
  5. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    ok updated today. went to a local hardware store and picked up 15 CFL 100w lights. and 15 Bulb Recepticals. and added them in with my 4 12'' lights.

    here are some pics 6/13/10



  6. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    NOW you're cookin'! Plants look very healthy. Good job sir!

    Btw, you gotta count the actual wattage of CFL, not the related wattage. 23watts per bulb.
  7. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    and i went into 12/12 lighting tonight at 8pm.

    Yea its getting allot hotter in that closet. lol
  8. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Yeah I am sure. I know cuz I have 7 23w CFL's in my veg box and it can get hot. I have a fan pulling in one end and the air flow kinda pushes hot out of the other side. Luckily I have vertical space to spare.

    How are your temps?

    What color CFL's did ya get? They look like 5500K but I am hoping they are 3500k. 2700k would have been the best for flowering but I can tell they aren't cuz they are so white.
  9. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    I dont have any temps yet. i dont have a meter or anything to take a temp. I will get one tho.

    The CFL's are 6500k each.
  10. SidVicious

    SidVicious Developed Alternating Nodes

  11. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating


    2 days into flowering




  12. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Keep it goin bro ur doin fine. This is a good test brow for you to see what happens and whatnot. Do u have a nice timer to turn on and off?
  13. BlazeOne

    BlazeOne Pothead Extraordinaire

    ["My plan is to make some money off this crop and invest it into a better lighting system like some kind of HPS light, and better seeds/ bigger pots ect. mostly growing for my self, and friends. (of course no one knows I am doing the growing.)"]

    in my opinion if you wanna make enough money to buy some professional equipment you should keep flowering them until you can find all of the females then toss them in a safe place outside in the ground. if you get a few females outside in a good enough spot you can make enough careful and when your selling it just say you get it from someone else.
  14. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    yes I have them on a good timer.

    and I can not put them outside in a safe spot.
  15. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Dont do that ne ways bro u need the experience of flowering some girls and learning what can go wrong. some ppl go out and spend a couple thousand and dont even grow good bud the first 2-3 grows, and some just give up after the first! Shit gotta make mistakes to learn. Ur doin fine man and u will start to understand what ppl are talking about the further u get into ur grow.

    Check out my DWC grow.

    Its small but should pack a punch. Nice 400w HPS/MH switchable balast with nice cherry cooler hood, carbon filter to get rid of any smell, and nice fans to keep shit cool. This is what i learned in the 4+ years ive been here and total 10yrs of growing. Shit i remeber when i had plants like urs in my bedroom window at the age of 14 (no offense man) but that was when i was just learning how a MJ plant works and how to do the dam thin. Took me till i was 18 to get budds on a plant and another 2 years to acually get a very nice grow goin. Now i have alot of grows under my belt, some bad some good, but its all a learning experience and hopefully something u really enjoy like myself and many others here.

    :affro: !!!No matter what aint nothin like ur own home grown man!!!:affro:
  16. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    well 5 days into 12/12 flowering. and I have found 4 for sure females 2 for sure males. ( and one of the males is one of my favorite and best looking plants. damn ) and the rest I still cant tell.

    how long do i have to get the males out?
  17. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Plenty of time. You'll be ok. Just don't wait tooo long.
  18. Boa

    Boa Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Get rid of the males and transplant the females asap. just my oppinion.:affro:
  19. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    Ok so a week and 4 days into flowering and i have my males and females spotted. and separated. 8 Females, and 4 males.

    so far so good. I will take and post pics at week 2.
  20. rollin2techno

    rollin2techno cL053t Gr0w3r

    Are you planning to breed? Otherwise scrap those males!

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