Still Pretty new to all this

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by RookieGrower, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. RookieGrower

    RookieGrower Germinating

    ok. update. 2 weeks & 3 days into flowering. I have a few that have what looks to me like hermi's the upprer portion has females pistles, and then lower on the plant just what looks to be a flower bud with no pistels coming out where the leaf stem comes of the shoot.

    here are what are for sure males and or hermis. the outkast's.


    and then all the ones that have no signs of male to them.




    and the best looking one in the room.



    How do they look? I have been using just a basic plant food. I mix it up in a gallon of water and watter them once every 2 days with just water. then the plant food mix once every week.

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