Sweet Tooth

Discussion in 'The Growkind Gallery' started by Yourst, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower

    Well Done Yourst

    BTW ; By Going An Extra Couple Of Weeks , You Will Lose A Little T.H.C , But The C.B.N Levels ( What Produces That Couchlock , And Pain Relieving Qualities Increase Dramatically )

    As Does Final Yield ( Quite Significantly )

    Yourst; You Are Growing The Right Way , Don't Be Swayed By Any Other Suggestions:thumbsup:

  2. Yourst

    Yourst Stoned Grown & Hell Bound

    Cool, thanks.

    I like the up beat high more than the couchlock.

    I grow for medical use. I have depretion and A.D.D and constant migraines.

    Im couchlocked when Im not stoned.

    That is the main reason I picked BC Sweet Tooth because of the upbeat high that progresses to a body high.
  3. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    I didn't say that was ST I just said it should look something like that on the day of the chop. Just trying to get my swollen calyx point across. That's what it should look like by the end as indica dominate strains tend to do that.:thumbsup:

    JKP, LUI is Sweet tooth #3 x Ortega. I'm sure you know it's a considerable difference.
  4. Yourst

    Yourst Stoned Grown & Hell Bound

  5. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    No I didn't point out were I said here is a pick of Sweet tooth, all I said is it would be more swollen and look like that on the day of the chop. I googled mature sweet tooth and that pic showed up and I just linked it, I could careless what it really is but that is what any indica dominate strain should look like when finished need i get other pics of other indica dominate strains that are grown to maturity for you?

    Here's my post so where did I say that?

    But hey if you want to continue to try and put words in my mouth, disregard my suggestion, ruin your yield and smoke some premature stuff go ahead.:thumbsup:

    Here ya go now these are supposed to be spice of life seeds sweet tooth 1.1(real deal) this one from their website. Still more swollen like I said.


    From pure sativas catalog


    Here's a barney's farm pic. from a grower on ic mag. notice the fullness. Said he flowered them 65 days.


    Another guy on ICmag with a purple pheno

  6. Joe King Park

    Joe King Park Auto-Pilot Grower

    Oh , Then Mr Nice Super Silver Haze Is The Ticket

    Won The High Times Cannabis Cup Three Years In A Row !!!:wink:

    I Grow Mr Nice

    Last Year I Grew SSH And MNS Shit ( See Gallery @PB )

    Very Uplifting

    www.mrnice.nl ( Home Of The Original White Widow ; " Black Widow " )

    New G13 X Northern Lights

    And Testers Wanted :wink:

    Avoid C99 ( Cinderella 99 ) It Can Promote Panick Attacks
  7. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    OH yeah!!!! That's really all I have to say.

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