TERRORISTS Did NOT blow up Columbia!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GeminiGoddess, Feb 1, 2003.

  1. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Thank you harshtoke, i wasnt about to keep feeding her facts. Liberals have this delusion that everything should be handed to them without lifting a finger for it.

    Something id like to add is the new head of humanitarin efforts for the UN. It was africas turn to vote this time, and they voted Libya!! Libya!! The terrorist capital of the world practically. Do you know why africa voted them in? because Libya Bought the vote by giving africa millions!! Just confirms my stance that the UN is meaningless and is overrun with corruption and the US should pull out immediatly!

    The UN only helps third world and arab countries. They serve no purpose to any civilized nation anymore. The UN is being treated as if its 1 government, rather than a body of governments whos purpose was to work together towards world peace. If the UN wanted world peace, they would be tougher on terrorism, rather than letting terrorist leaders roam free and commit horrible inhumane acts towards there own people. The fact that the UN hasnt bashed mandela about his statements means they believe in what he says, and I believe the UN has to go, along with mandela.
  2. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Kind Smoker lol. Obsessed are we??

    (Edited by Sylent Skull at 3:18 pm on Feb. 3, 2003)
  3. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud


    The Gemini is WISE enough to gather EVERY drop of information she can to FURTHER her arguments- PERIOD.

    WE will NOT be called on Mandela -REGARDLESS of what ANYBODY says.... PERIOD.:biggrin:

    "You want to know anymore?"

  4. Agent Johnson

    Agent Johnson Developed Alternating Nodes

    I would like to know how you can justify supporting evil leaders, terrorists and communists while using the American Peace sign Icon when it's quite apparent you don't stand for peace or American values?

    (Edited by Agent Johnson at 3:40 pm on Feb. 3, 2003)
  5. HarshToke

    HarshToke Developed Alternating Nodes


    Quote: from GeminiGoddess on 12:32 pm on Feb. 2, 2003

    The Gemini is WISE enough to gather EVERY drop of information she can to FURTHER her arguments- PERIOD.

    WE will NOT be called on Mandela -REGARDLESS of what ANYBODY says.... PERIOD.:biggrin:

    "You want to know anymore?"

    heh nice one Gem - what you just said is absolutely no use at all. You have bought no facts or arguments to this debate(?). PLEASE PLEASE stop calling him a god. No-one is a god, no matter what they have done, let alone a terrorist. Sure, he did away with white supremecy in SA, but can you give me any facts that support he has brought any good to SA otherwise? Crime? Economics? Social status? Poverty? Violence?

    Please don't just stand there acting like you know it all and are above everyone else, please bring something useful to the conversation. My ears are open as always [​IMG]

    Hope I'm not offending you, you know I like hearing everyones valid points, whether I agree with them or not
  6. HarshToke

    HarshToke Developed Alternating Nodes


    Quote: from GeminiGoddess on 12:32 pm on Feb. 2, 2003

    "You want to know anymore?"

    sorry I missed this bit - want to know anymore? what do you mean? You havent given me anything "to know" in the first place. I mean, what sort of thing is that to say? Re-read your post and you haven't given anything! godsake! [​IMG]
    happy place, happy place...
  7. Will it grow

    Will it grow Veggy Stage

    God... Gemini you truely do suck [​IMG]

    Get some facts before you come on here and start argueing.

    Mandela wasnt a god... he barely qualifys as a person
  8. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated


    Quote: from Agent Johnson on 3:38 pm on Feb. 2, 2003
    I would like to know how you can justify supporting evil leaders, terrorists and communists while using the American Peace sign Icon when it's quite apparent you don't stand for peace or American values?

    (Edited by Agent Johnson at 3:40 pm on Feb. 3, 2003)

    Agent Johnson?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]??? IS IT REALLY YOU?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]?[​IMG]???//
  9. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    Gemini. I'm going to watch this section as it turns to **** like I prospected. As it does I will reccomend as I'm sure others will a complete termination of this "Politics" bullshit. Or perhaps maybe we shall at last realize TOGETHER that your views are twisted and only are directed at getting a quick negative response out of people.
  10. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    Quote: from Agent Johnson on 12:38 pm on Feb. 2, 2003
    I would like to know how you can justify supporting evil leaders, terrorists and communists while using the American Peace sign Icon when it's quite apparent you don't stand for peace or American values?

    Great to have ya back AJ! Careful with this one. Shes a "useful idiot" of the marxist/socialist movement. Maybe we should tell her all the countries that went that route, such as the African Country of Ethiopia for example.
  11. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    AGG, this forum is a great idea! Please dont let 1 or 2 people ruin it for the others, like has happened in the past. there are many people that like to share thier views. Who cares what gemini does? Dont be a cop! lol. were not bothering the smokers lounge, were keeping it where it belongs. Let this forum stay!
  12. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    Oh it is bro. I just think that gemini always jumps people up and gets em while thier sleeping with cold water. im not god anyway. I cant push the killswitch. [​IMG] :smokin: and i dont want to. Im the neutral dude.

    (Edited by agrowguy at 4:19 pm on Feb. 2, 2003)
  13. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    thanks bro! after all, polatiks iz excersise 4 da brain!
  14. HarshToke

    HarshToke Developed Alternating Nodes

    I'm with ya both on this, agrowguy and sylent. Gemeini does seem to "jumps people up and gets em while thier sleeping ". Sure, its annoying, but we gota put up with it. Atleast it lets us have a good debate. But if you read this gem baby, just try to chill out a little and take some consideration - remember , no matter what you beleive in, it isn't nescecarly)sp im pissed) right or wrong, so just chill a bit and don't use CAPS LOPCK so much [​IMG]

    ya know, this forum should be a place to "amicably" voice our thoughts, not try to force our opinions down eachs others throats, certainly not a place to argue opinions with no justification/viable arguments
  15. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud


    Quote: from kind smoker on 11:30 am on Feb. 3, 2003

    “Great spirits have always experienced violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
    Albert Einstein
  16. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    Good One. And by the way he spells It seems he is either in a hurry to display his anger to the world or rather he is genuinely sick and needs help. I was wondering how people like him feel when NOT TO BRING IT UP AGAIN but like when the space shuttle blew up. What exactly was he thinking? Some people are just beyond help I guess. But I dont give up easily and offered my help but I'm no psychiatrist. heads up skully. [​IMG] peace to kind smoker and may the higher have mercy on your soul.
  17. Mrs B

    Mrs B Guest

    "Could it be.... NASA?" :roll: Golly, if you take NASA and just add one tiny little T, it's an anagram for SATAN! The only difference between NASA and SATAN is just one tiny little T! A capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for POOL!!! :roll:
  18. agrowguy

    agrowguy Excommunicated

    yes! i somehow am so fascinated though. I only praise NASA for their push forward. Whom else would have done it?
  19. Sylent Skull

    Sylent Skull Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    You can do the same with SANTA - SATAN hmmm.......lol
  20. THCdude

    THCdude Cured Fat Sticky Bud

    Wears a red suit, cavorts with small beings, associated with fire (places)-----Hmmmmm.

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