TERRORISTS Did NOT blow up Columbia!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by GeminiGoddess, Feb 1, 2003.

  1. Seizure Dude

    Seizure Dude Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Just caught up with this thread...my head is spinning. Gem, time to calm down youve helped create something now youre hell bent on destroying it, whats the problem? Have some self control woman!...Harsh, Sylent excellent job, although all we can really do is read and listen to what others say (which of course must be taken with a grain of salt) youve presented the known 'facts' well... you both in my opinion have done a good job in the political forum which by the way should stay right where it is...We need to let others know that people who smoke pot have a brain as well.
  2. phillyboy

    phillyboy ***Rest in Peace***

    Your forgetting one thing about Mandela, He's a convicted Murderer!!
  3. GeminiGoddess

    GeminiGoddess A Fat Sticky Bud


    This thread is funNNNNNNNNNNNny!!!!


    But I'm STILL standing UNCONDITIONALLY by My Man Mandela. (Is that easier on your eyes than God, Harsh?:biggrin:)

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