The cops crapping on our constitutional rights.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by BongRippa, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    First of all! :wtf?:

    Why did the referee have a knife? Why would you stab someone over a fucking game of SOCCER?!? How can a crowd have time to quarter a man's body and behead him before the police respond? This shit blows my mind! I woulda killed the ref for killing my family member too but quartering his body and beheading him? really? What era do we live in? The Middle Ages!?!? Put his head on a spike!?

    This shit is too fucked up to even think about. What the hell is wrong with peopel?
  2. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    its brazil, they do thing differently.
  3. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    So fuckin what? They are humans right? Humans shouldn't act like that. :passsit:
  4. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    says you. who made you god???
  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Its football,brings out the tribal warrior in us all. You should visit Glasgow on an Old Firm day Ras. Maybe not heads on spikes....but lots of people stabbed over this shit. I remember years ago my Dad coming home from his work witnessed a 16yr old Cltic fan wearing bis colours walking into the wrong pub in the wrong part of the city for directions. Poor guy got his throat slit in front of his 10yr old brother just for walking through Bridgeton wearing Celtic colours. Sad but true. Scotland..Brazil...Footballs a way of life to some:bong2: Not saying it makes it right,just that football is a whole other thing to most people other than what you guys call soccer. The Mayans played this shit with human heads FFs:rofl:
  6. jr215

    jr215 Caged hippie

    I dont care where you're from or what you're into. That just aint right. I saw a lot of people die during the war. I even had something to do with some of them and that still feels like a fucked up nightmare. I don't know how anyone can think that was justifiable. A big wtf to all those whacked out zombies. Did they eat the ref's brains too?
  7. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Poverty has some nasty side effects:bong2:
  8. BongRippa

    BongRippa Full Flowering

    I believe that police who are sworn to protect and serve the public and defend the constitution should be held to a higher standard.
  9. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    You're fucking kidding me right? I'm not god. People shouldn't be fucking killing, beheading, and quartering people on a god damn soccer field for fuck sake! It's not a moral or ethical behavior for anyone to engage in. That's agreed upon by most people and people who believe it's acceptable behavior are fucking morons. :passsit:
  10. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    Fucking moronic. No better than the US gangs shooting each other for nothing more than wearing the wrong colors in the wrong part of town. Complete idiocy. Tribal warrior my ass. It's a god damn game for Christ's sake!
  11. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

    This why I live in America

    No where in the 50 states would this have gone down as described. Joke around or be pissed about overreaching cops in America or whatever, but that shit just wouldn't happen, at least around here. There are WAY too many cops just waiting for a chance to be hero. And a quartering and beheading? :roffl:

    Look I know that other cultures place different values on human life, and have different values regarding violence than I do. But I think MOST people of whatever culture, especially those with children, would agree that killing others over a game is excessive. :bong-2:
  12. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    its still entrapment. going out of your way to cause a situation that is loaded against the police just so that you can get youtube rating off computer randoms youve never met.

    the sort of person who does that doesnt give two shit about there rights. its all about them and their youtube rep. complete bullshit!
  13. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    it was rural brazil. police are more or less none existant. communities hand out community justice. its poor and extremely violent, not to mention uber corrupt.

    all im saying is that there is a back story to this. i personally think violence is wrong, but ive dished plenty out. at the time it was the right thing to do.

    i dont impose my world view on others and to condemn those involved in this as non human is just plain wrong.
  14. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    its got nothing to do with the "game"
  15. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    He didn't say they were non-human. He said humans shouldn't act like that.

    Seems a fairly safe statement to me. Of course, it is a moral judgement, but one in which I think 99% of people would agree.

    Seems like you are arguing just to argue.

  16. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy

    No im not.

    It was a small story that explained nothing. I would bet a considerable amount of money that things didnt happen exactly like the story said. There will most definitely be more too it.

    Its a rural area with very few police. Mob justice is the way its done. It happens all over africa etc. I bet if you ask the ppl there if they agree with mob rule/justice and whether a human being should act like that, they would agree that justice was done and it was fine.

    So no, i disagree with you that 99% of the human population would agree with you or ras. 99% of the western world probably would, but thats not even 50% of the global population. We havent even mentioned the arab world where they think stoning ppl for adultery is great for shits and giggles! so no i think your wrong.
  17. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Since I am going for broke inserting my opinions where I know I probably shouldn't I will add mine here. Getting beat up for wearing the wrong colors is asinine BUT that ref stabbed someone to death. I believe in an eye for an eye. Or in this case a head. I am not all into the parading his head on a stick, I will leave that for Game of Thrones.....but dude did kind of get what was coming to him.

    (just to be clear, I am not condoning 'quartering' (honestly I had to look that up) and beheading people on a field in front of people, but I would not mind if he just got stabbed right back, that's what I mean)
  18. EvilSkuzzi

    EvilSkuzzi Sweet Guy


    Im pretty sure a large proportion of the world would think like that.
  19. Cannagirl

    Cannagirl Preheat to 420

    Yeah dude. I would much rather swift justice be take out. People saw him do it. There was no shadow of a doubt. Here we would go through years of trial and even if he did get put on death row it would cost more with the appeal process and etc than just keeping him for life in prison. I say stab someone to death and you deserve death.
  20. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    I guess I'm just a naive country boy.


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