Top DEA agent won’t admit heroin more harmful than marijuana

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LionLoves420, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. teamster6

    teamster6 A Fat Sticky Bud

    To protect and to serve ha ha
  2. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Zactly! Know what the above scenario created? Not a more responsible, aware adult that's for sure. He was already responsible and aware, in a prestigious college, working full time and doing summer classes to graduate early. The kid gets it. They took a fast track intelligent productive kid and set him back by over a year because he went to a college party and drank to many beers.

    No, that cop, just like every other cop I've run into in the past 10 years, created a distrust of cops and the system by the kid, his parents and my daughter...which I guess is a good thing. He taught them the rule of law and it's consequences bring punishment that far outweighs the wrong committed for minor offenses but is so overwhelmed by them that the true criminals are free to walk away from parole or probation to disappear into society and prey on people yet again.

    For you younger folks....this wasn't always the way. Drunk kids, or kids busted with a few joints, used to warrant a call to the kids parents for them to pick him up or even a ride home with a 'stern' warning about 'next time'. LEO has gone crazy and cannot be trusted in any way shape or form.

    Here's an even better one. Same social group of kids. This time it's a car full of drunk stoned kids. (idiots) One of them is a division one basketball player. During the shake down one of the cops recognizes the ball player, pulls him out of the group, talks about how damaging this could be to his career then drives him home with no charges. The other three guys ended up overnight in jail with every charge LEO could find.

    What did those kids learn? That the law is arbitrary and unfair. Cops are arbitrary and unfair and that their buddy is an asshole. Nice job Pig!

    Until LEO cleans up their own act every one of them will be considered lying knuckle dragging sociopaths with badges and guns by this citizen. LEO will tell you they have no choice but to enforce the law. BULLSHIT! LEO is the first line of judgement in any contact, they know it and we know it.
  3. Stash2.0

    Stash2.0 Harvested Fat Sticky Bud

    Here fucking here
  4. link420

    link420 Smokin' Fat Sticky Buds

    Res has got the right of it. My buddy's dad was a cop back in the day, a cool and decent guy, even though he was a cop. But cops back then were different, they still cared about people's well being more then the law. He quit the force because everything went down the shitter. Things like common sense, compassion, human fucking decency, as well as responsible use of discretion aren't a part of the cop's day job anymore. Fuck those bastards, if a ex-cop doesn't even trust the police anymore, why should I?
  5. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Dont get me started on these fuckers...

    Totally . I remember an esteemed legal professional telling me very matter of factly before a crucial court date in which police were being called as witnesses that i was to expect the worst from the cops in the stand. "But they werent there,they dont know how it went down" i protested innocently and anxiously. "Look,in the life of a cop its pretty black and white,you are either one of them or one of their enemies,with them or against them.In the eyes of a cop anyone who isnt a cop is a NED"(non educated deliquent).The reality of what he said hit me more when he explained he was an ex cop who became so disgusted by his fellow worker that he embarked on a highly succesful career as a defence lawyer who specialises in exposing cops lying from the witness stand.

    As it turned out,much to my disbelief the 2 cops lied and not even good lying cos they obviously hadnt got their stories straight cos between the two of them we highlighted many errors,lies and discrepancies in their evidence and this wasnt lost on the Jury either.Even now it astounds me that one of them cops was so hell bent on getting me jailtime whether i deserved it or not that all sense of Justice and Fairness went out the window.This guy lied purely to secure a conviction,this wasnt no small time shit,this was quite serious and i could have spent many moons in prison based on this cunts evidence and that will never leave me knowing that cops dont give a fuck who gets locked up,as long as they can simply keep on locking people up.The fact i walked away from the charges,mainly due to all witnesses including cops having been proved to have seriously lied about major issues,obviously didnt sit well with them and they started quizzing witnesses from my trial to try get them to alter their statements in the hope of having me re-tried.

    My home got burgled and when i reported it to cops i was told by one sneering prick " we aint gonna do a thing about it",i could see the venom in the guy ,obviously him and a lot of other officers spent a lot of time trying to secure my convicition and it bothered them no end to see someone they insisted was guilty walk free,nevermind the fact they never once stopped to think "what if this guy didnt do what we accuse him off,what if hes innocent?".Things like that dont bother cops,if they have evidence that points towards a man POSSIBLY haven done summit then they WILL go ahead and charge him,regardless of whether they have info suggesting otherwise.Its not what they know,its what their evidence portrays:disgust:

    My little faith i had was destroyed in Cops and nowadays when i see a man charged for this or accused of that in the media or whatever,i ALWAYS stop and think "lets wait see what comes out in the trial" before i cast my aspersions.Its this mentality of "lets gather a bunch of evidence and see if this guy can prove he DIDNT do it" that bugs me and thankfully our laws dictate we,being accused dont HAVE to prove we didnt do it,we only have to raise reasonable doubt which i did.Reasonable doubt about the witnesses crediblity,reasonable doubt about the actual events in question,reasonable doubt as to credibility of evidence,reasonable doubt over pretty much every witness,in fact the only thing that wasnt doubted was the physical evidence which actually backed my version of events up. It was shocking though to see how much the cops disregarded evidence that could easily have cleared me long before trial,they had corrupt statements taken in a corrupt manner under duress,etc,it felt like a stitch up and yet i was assured this was normal for cops to treat all suspects this way.They write their own evidence!! Police statements by 2 main witnesses turned out to have been written by cops and a drawing also turned out to have been drawn by cops instead of a witness)...Can you imagine that shit?? "Mr.X can you please describe the weapon?"...."ehm no i cant" ...Logic dictates anyone that cant couldnt have been there but our cops are so fucking helpful they draw pictures that they ask you to sign and attatch to your statement~ "did the weapon look like this drawing?"...."ehm,possibly"... "ok then Mr.X can you please sign here to say it has a likeness".:bduh: One witness in my trial said to police he wasnt even 10% sure i was involved but magically the police worded that in his statement as saying "the witness cant be 100% sure"...thats a BIG fucking difference!!! I could go on and on but dont wanna bore y'all.Point is Res is spot on.Peace:jj:
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    cops dogging cops,speaks volumes innit.

    So true Link. My Uncle was a cop and went all the way to head honcho,from sergeant to Chief Inspector down in a London borough .He now works for the Minsitry of Defence so you would think his view of the police would be slightly tainted right?Wrong,he says the force has institutional racism throughout aswell as cops abusing their powers.Hes seen it all in his 40years in the Force so to hear someone like him speak of how corrupt or fucked up the force is ,is quite eye opening..Peace:jj:
  7. Tony Aroma

    Tony Aroma Let's Go - Two Smokes!

    For a politician it's always better to appear (or actually be) stupid than to say something that directly contradicts one's boss, in this case the president.

    Granted, it would have been better to have had a prepared BS answer ready for that question. But these drug warrior types are not used to being questioned about their drug war, or anything really. They're used to being in absolute control, no questions asked. Why do you think some one like Leonhart could be in such a position?

    The Drug Czar is much better at spewing the party line, which is why he is supposed to be answering these questions, not someone from the DEA. No self-respecting drug warrior in their wildest imagination ever considered the possibility that the drug war would be questioned. Especially by Congress. If any of them have even half a brain, they'll be better prepared next time that question comes up.

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