want to get my CA cannabis card limits lifted

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana' started by jpgrace83, May 5, 2011.

  1. jpgrace83

    jpgrace83 Germinating

    Hi, I was wondering if anybody on here knew how to legally grow more than the county limit. I have a friend who's limit is like 99 plants, and I know for sure his county's limit is like 6. I basically want to expand and want to know how to do it legally.
  2. teamster6

    teamster6 Guest

    I believe each mj covered state law is differant but from the ones I have read about they post the limits for possession and grow so increasing it you will be illegal. Basically you are not going to be able to increase it legally.

  3. rasganjah

    rasganjah True Ganjaman

    I'm a partner in a Collective and I run a Collective Garden

    In CA SB420 (Senate Bill 420) set up the plant number guidelines. It left it up to each county to specify the limits but most adopted the recommended numbers of 12 immature (Non Flowering) plants and 6 Mature (Flowering) plants per patient as well as a limit of 8 ounces of dried and cured medication. However in a CA Supreme Court case involving a patient who was charged with growing more than those recommended limits allowed, was deemed unconstitutional and the case was dismissed. The federal laws are where the 99 plants come into play. If you are a patient that is part of a collective and yo are growing for multiple patients as a collective garden, then you can grow up to a total of 99 plants all together. The reason being is that on a federal level anything over 99 plants is a whole new realm of charges. I believe it constitutes Manufacture of a controlled substance as well as intent to traffic, carrying something like a minimum 10 year prison sentence. So as a general rule, you should always stay under 99 plants total, but most lawyers and NORML will tell you that if you really want to avoid any problems, try and stick to the recommended limits for your county. I know that in Northern Cali it's more lenient than Southern Cali.

    My recommendation is this. If you want to grow more than the recommended amount of plants, either find a local collective that needs a collective gardener, or start your own small collective with a few of your own patients and then you are good to grow up to 99 plants as a collective garden.

    I also recommend first and foremost that you at least sit down for a consultation with a Marijuana Business Attorney or firm and discuss the specific laws and risks for your particular area of Cali.

    Hope that sheds a little light on things for you.:thumbs-up: :passsit:
  4. vapornation

    vapornation Germinating

    I agree with rasganjah you must start your own collective. For everyone you sign up you can grow that amount. For example if the county limit is 6 and you have 10 people registered with you, you can legally grow 60 plants. If you move up to Northern California their limits are laxed and i believe it is 99 plants and near Humbuldt is is unlimited!

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