I'm with CC on this one. Drug tests are there for a reason. If you have a dangerous job, then you should be willing to fill a cup. That being said, if I can't smoke pot, then they shouldn't be able to get drunk. Figure out a way to test for weed by the day. When you're on the clock, it's their way or the high way. But, what I do on my off time is nobodies business but mine.
^^^^^ This. Saved me the trouble and saved you guys the wall of textI do agree with CC and Jugg though,there does have to be certain jobs where Drug Testing isnt a bad thing. Like Cops. Test them fuckers all day long. The guy who works the machine that prints out and mails me my Energy bills...drug test that fucker too. My kids school teacher,the taxi cab and bus drivers who ferry me around...they need to be piss tested. But more importantly i want them all breathalysed,i wanna know if they've been drinking that Government sponsored liquid poison all night and are at work under the influence. Too many times they test for drugs but dont breathalyse the worker. Its a charade. A trick the Govt uses to encourage people to spend their wages on legal toxification. To piss test people who need welfare though?The ultimate in humiliation and PERFECT to initiate the next phase of the process in where all our rights get gradually removed. No one should get piss tested unless they do a job where common sense dictates it. Res highlights a fair gripe?Why shouldnt the workers be pissed off? The Govt are banking on that pissed off-ness though. They need the middle classes to help dispose of the working and under classes. I dont think the old lady widow whose husband was a war hero and who is from the local church choir who volunteers at the local Cancer Hospice in some Florida town that has lived an honest hard working life while raising kids who are all serving soldiers or war veterns,should have to suffer the degradation and humiliation of being forced to see their previous lifetimes worth of taxdollars at work in the form of a program that makes her piss into a cup every week :sad4:.Ok thats a slight exaggeration but its that kind of honest decent person thats gonna get screwed by such programs as the one put forward .Granted such a program would get rid of a lot of crackhead welfare recipients or what have you. But at what price to the genuine folks out there in life? Are we suddenly at a point now where it ok to fuck the good guys up the ass on the daily just to weed out the bad guys? Its a murky area.When it comes to human rights i always find it best to adopt a "Be Careful What You Wish For Approach". Seriously:bongin: /monthly_2014_01/mm.jpg.849cf999248cc2b9be599101be2311ab.jpg /monthly_2014_01/mmm.jpg.95910f382be1fc9395622832b3637a92.jpg
The problem with piss tests is they largely catch only MJ use since it leaves the longest lingering metabolites. Use Coke on Friday? Monday you'll pee clean. Drink every night of the week and go to work with the fatigue that brings on, but you're good for a piss test though. Toke a joint once a week and odds are that you'll never pass a test. It's my privacy in my person that's being traded away. We aren't supposed to be able to be forced to trade away our Civil Rights. The courts have allowed this because it's interpreted not as force since you don't have to work at any particular establishment. Until of course everyplace requires it....then yer screwed and the only place left is the gov system of entitlements or flipping burgers (maybe). Test away if some cat seems impaired. That's part of a supervisor's job, to assess and evaluate the condition of their staff daily. But if they are at work on time, clean, apparently sober and ready to do the job then we need to leave them alone. Higher risk jobs that directly impact the safety of persons may need closer scrutiny or field sobriety tests to evaluate the need for some form of further sobriety testing. It's the old good with the bad trade off. You want privacy in your person? You need to give up some level of imagined absolute safety.
I say drug test them . If they need my money to buy food , they better not be wasting their money on drugs.... Which could have been used in place of my money ....FOR FOOD. I know welfare doant mean just food stamps but you get my point. Drug testing for employment is another story. I'd be all for it if it detected use while actually high. What you do on your own time is your own business , as far as weed goes anyway. Do Iwant a meth head working next to me ...no , which is just another reason the tests suck because it basically only detects mmj .
The problem is, with Florida being the latest, that studies show that the mass majority of people on welfare are not on drugs. So the only one wasting money in that situation is the government doing the drug testing.
I gotta wonder how that study was conducted. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't participate if I were to piss dirty. Good point though , probabaly just cost us even more money.
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/18/us/no-savings-found-in-florida-welfare-drug-tests.html 2.6% failed and it cost the state an extra almost $50k!
Exactly, the piss testing in Florida was shown to be totally cost ineffective as it cost way more than they saved, because drug testing is expensive and a very low percentage of the total tested actually showed positive for anything. I can see where some high-risk jobs might need some testing, drugs and alcohol both, like commercial pilots, etc... I am against the demonization of welfare recipients, which is basically what this drug testing is about. Some people can't work and/or just need help at times in their life. I'm sure some abuse the system, but that doesn't mean it's the majority doing it or that the system isn't a necessary and good thing. "Entitlements" has become a loaded word that says more about the person using it than the people it's intended to refer to. asssit:
Does the cost REALLY matter to anyone? no it doesn't.....but I bet you guys would scream your asses off if your wife or kids got killed or severly disfigured by a drunk or whatever kind of dopehead that WAS NOT tested in the past or present, ya know cuz of that $7 drug test Everyone always directs their argument towards "it'll cost my state blahblahblahblahblah, which cost me blahblahblah!" theres about 20,000 other things that your money is going to in whatever state your in that are insanely worthless, go bark up that tree Shit, especially in florida....they build a new toll road every 6months, then charge you $5 to go 5miles
Are you seriously suggesting the cost doesn't matter to anyone? And the rest of your argument is just a ridiculous strawman. I love how you throw around the term dopehead, though. Hypocrisy at it's finest. Testing welfare recipients is just picking on them because receiving welfare is seen as morally wrong by many people. Some people think the receiving "entitlements" is a bad thing to do, so they want to hate on and stigmatize those that do it.
I'm against only for one reason, it creates protected classes within the government tit. You wanna test, then test all. ALL politicians, ALL state/fed employees.... I personally agree that people should be tested to get on welfare, just don't think it;s legal because it creates a "protected class" ...but you can afford your drug of choice, then I don't need to supply you with food. CC, I agree with your line of thinking. I don't test here unless I have a reason, but if you get hurt or hurt someone you better piss clean or else you're not getting workers comp and any kind of comp because people have the right to work and not get injured. I have our policy written that even if you are taking legal drugs and you get hurt your ass is out the door. Oxy and vicodin are just as dangerous in the workplace, hell even heart medications are in my opinion. If you are taking anything, you better not get hurt here....because I will fight tooth and nail against you. That's just because I have seen it happen years ago, some guy hit another and crushed his foot with forklift. Nothing could be done because he was on vic from his doctor. When I assumed the reins, I changed that real quick.
I totally disagree...I don't know anyone that thinks it's morally wrong. Actually the opposite, most I know think it's morally right, but wrong legally. Welfare is not an entitlement, it should never be considered one. No one has the right to live off others for life, we should have a strong social safety net, but at the same time people shouldn't feel entitled not to work and make others pay for their lifestyle. Thats just wrong
Of course you do. You disagreeing just makes me feel more confident in my viewpoint. If you agreed with me, I might have to seriously rethink my position. We should have a strong safety net. Period. How people should or shouldn't feel is a different issue. It's always about 'Why should I have to pay for THEM?' Of course the same people that love to demonize poor people as being lazy never seem to question the bloated ass military budget 'cause 'We need to support the troops.' SMH
I think everyone is bitching about the military budget, but I don't see how that fits in to the current conversation. If someone can afford their drug of choice, then why not have them pay for their own lifestyle? That's the question. Your throwing up strawman arguments. No one is demonizing the poor, just stating the obvious. How can you have money for drugs but not for food? I guess you think it's ok to have children starve if mom gets her fix? Because drugs are more important than her child?? Like I said, I disagree with testing on legal grounds, but for the life of me I don't see how anyone can be against this morally. Because you are in fact saying that a child should starve so mom/dad whomever can get high. Same as those who work and can't make ends meet, who do they get to turn to? Should they get something also, like a alcohol allowance from the Feds? Most people cut entertainment/fun shit when they need they need money, but I guess if you choose not to, you shouldn't be punished for that....lets reward people for making bad decisions. So once again with the strawman instead of debating the actual topic......because noone should actually have to accountable for their actions
Do you even know what a strawman is? Please to show me where I have put up one. Wait, no don't. That is like your default comeback, "Strawman, strawman, blah, blah, blaaahhh....." Assuming that people on welfare are in fact choosing to take drugs instead of feed their kids is in fact demonizing them. The fact that they have no political power just makes it easier to pick on them. 2.6% failed the drug test, so where is all this anti-welfare druggie hysteria coming from? Imo, the rich are using it as a wedge to turn the middle class against the poor and keep the public view off of themselves. Anyone that picks up the 'Piss test the welfare recipients' banner is a total and utter tool in my book.
“The court finds there is no set of circumstances under which the warrantless, suspicionless drug testing at issue in this case could be constitutionally applied,” she wrote. Suspicionless is the key word. What reason is there to suspect that welfare recipients are using drugs at all? And, even if some small percent are (2.6%), what right do you think you have to test EVERYBODY receiving welfare? (That is the question here.) Because they are getting welfare it's ok to publicly paint them as a group as possible child neglecting druggies? :F-A-Q:
What would you call it when someone changes the position you have to make it seem like you have an absurd one.....in this case, thinking it's illegal to test welfare rec and changing that to fuck the poor, lets give more money to the military?? Would that fit your definition of straw man? Because I don't think one could come up with a better example if they searched the entire internet. And yes, if you can't feed your kids then how do you have money for drugs??? Pretty much common sense on that one. Lets see, I can't clothe and feed my young, but I have money for drugs.....how is that demonizing anyone Hank??? Because anyone that fits that mold is a piece of shit. We have social safety nets to help make sure children don't go hungry, that doesnt mean it's ok for people to take the money meant to clothe, feed and shelter their child and spend it on drugs.....in what world is that ok? And once again, what are you talking about drugie hysteria....I said test all or none. Plain and simple. Test everyone receiving Government dollars or none of them.
I never attributed that to you. I referred to that as general viewpoint in favor of testing those on welfare. Which it is. And I hope you weren't saying that I said anything like a person should be able to buy drugs if they can't feed their kids, because that would look suspiciously like your favorite default response of the strawman. I certainly never said that. Obviously, people should feed their kids. Suggesting otherwise would be stupid. Now back to my questions that you dodged. "What reason is there to suspect that welfare recipients are using drugs at all? And, even if some small percent are (2.6%), what right do you think you have to test EVERYBODY receiving welfare? (That is the question here.)"
You quote me, then bring up a bloated military budget but you are likening my position to that? I guess I misread because thats what it looks like And I was speaking on moral grounds, yes if someone can afford drugs they don't deserve welfare....because they have money to waste. That's the moral issue I was speaking of...I thought I made this clear when I said morally vs legally How the hell did I avoid this question!?!?!?! I said plain as day I don't know how I could possibly be clearer on the issue. You cannot assume one group of people are on drugs and choose to test them because that creates a "protected class" (everyone else) that doesn't have to be tested to receive government dollars. Really I don't understand how I can be more clear on that issue or how I avoided a question
With that line of thinking.....what reason is there to suspect that an employee is using drugs ? What right do they have to test every employee? http://m.deseretnews.com/article/765637435/Utah-officials-say-welfare-drug-tests-save-money.html?ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fsearch%3Fhl%3Den%26redir_esc%3D%26client%3Dms-android-verizon%26source%3Dandroid-browser-type%26v%3D141400000%26qsubts%3D1389132291066%26q%3Dutah%2Bwelfare%2Bdrug%2Btest Only 12 people tested positive in Utah. It cost 30k to test everyone. It save 350,000 in benifits paid. Seems simple , if you want a free check piss in a cup. If you have a problem with that then don't piss in the cup.