Welfare Drug Testing Ruled Unconstutional!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hank Chinaski, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

  2. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    They don't have a right to test every employee.

    Seems to me that many people like to oversimplify things.
  3. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    In what world cant an employer test. I can test an employee at will, every single day if I so choose. I can fire someone for wearing the wrong color shirt. I can fire someone without even giving a reason without legal issues.

    Legally nothing can be done about it, hell I can sue someone for talking to an attorney about why I fired them. So please explain in what universe employers don't have the right to test?? We pay the employee, it's a condition of employment to were the employer can change the rules at will....whenever he so chooses.

    The only way you don't have this is certain states you must provide justification or union contracts. Even states were I have to state a cause you can state insubordination and no one can say anything because it turns into a he said/she said situation to were the employer will win 9 out 10 times just because if an employer takes the time to fight, then it shows what he was like on the job.

    Even in union contract employers/management can make someone piss at random because of insurance reasons.

    Really you are incorrect on this, absolutely not the case.

    Lion, numbers are numbers. Why else would they have stopped the process? Makes sense unless they found employment which given they used questionaire (who couldn't pass one of those??) I doubt that's the case.

    I wasn't found of Florida's law, but Utah's seems legit. I can live with that for sure and it seems like that's legal. But commonsense would tell you that in this economy it's just wrong to pay a junkie's bills.

    I highly doubt these cases are concerned about marijuana, it sucks because it's in your system the longest but this is really targeting cocaine and heroin (oxy) abuse. Anything that helps with the drug problem in this country is a good thing. I don't think marijuana is a true medicine, but it's not a drug like heroin that's for sure.

    Hank, you may have been away to long, some of these programs are designed to help not hurt, unless you take the ultra radical position on things. This is a common sense approach to helping people out in a bad situation. Read our papers sometimes, each section of the country has it's own epidemic right now....heroin, meth, oxy, coke...etc

    But don't be fooled, if I seen someone acting stupid on equipment and gave me a reason, without a doubt I send them straight to the ER to be tested. Blood and piss.....cause I'm not going to call Jim's wife and say Bill was on high on his meds and killed Jim. Employers can test whenever they want, refusal is instant dismissal. We have to ensure that people have a safe workplace....this is coming from someone that has taken the guys out for beers during lunch (but only on fridays and if they were leaving from diner to go home).

    BTW, good post An...:thumbsup: I didn't know anything about Utah's program
  4. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Especially liked this bit, although I would be against testing everybody also.


    "It’s true, people on welfare use drugs. But so do people from every socioeconomic level. People on welfare also receive taxpayer money. But so do people from every socioeconomic level. If the goal is to stop people from potentially using taxpayer money to purchase illegal substances then we should apply these programs to every person receiving government funds. That means testing students who receive government scholarships, laboratories receiving government research grants, and farmers receiving farm subsidies. It means testing veterans, police officers and firefighters. It means testing the employees of the companies that administer the tests. And it most certainly means testing politicians, from the governor all the way down to city council members.

    But you won’t see any governors calling for extensive testing. This is because none of these other groups have the stigma of poverty attached to them — a stigma that leads many to turn a blind eye to harmful policies that affect only the poor, but would never be tolerated if done to other groups.

    Welfare-based drug testing is only a symptom of a larger societal ill that sees the poor as inherently parasitic and viceful (e.g., “They take advantage of government programs, not us.” “They do drugs, not us.”). As a result, legislators heap unfair, ineffective policies on those in poverty simply to court public favor by playing to their prejudices. The welfare queen, cashing government checks, smoking drugs and living the life of luxury, continues to be a useful myth when it comes to winning votes. And as more of these policies, whose support is borne by an unfounded disdain for the poor, are enacted, the humanity of those living in poverty is further eroded as the chasm between the haves and the have-nots grows even wider."

  5. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Pure gold! Really speaks about who you are.

    :good job:
  6. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    That's absurd liberal bullshit....did it come with reelect Obama sticker? That is a left wing spin on why to fight the program. Seriously I thought you would come back with a factual piece but that's propaganda at it's best, just left wing

    That's not what this is about, legally yes, morally no....and as I said, legally I agree it's wrong unless you test everyone like you stated.

    Morally there is nothing wrong stating we are not going to buy your heroin. Here's rehab then we put you in the program. Welfare is to help people not give them a career check. Drugs are extremely bad, almost all our shootings are drug related, inner city, poverty driving.
  7. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Really? What's it say? That I know employment law?

    Frankly I deal with people whom I'd fire in an instant if I was asshole. I've spoke to some here about just to vent, but I can't fire them because they have kids and I would feel bad even though they deserved to be fired. But if you think I'm going to let something that's absolutely incorrect go unchallenged, then you are wrong.

    But please tell me how that makes me an ass. Just because someone can do something doesn't mean they will or have to.

    edit....and to add to that, my corporation makes everyone sign non compete clause and confidentiality. Iron tight contracts.....as a condition of employment. Hell If I was to say exactly what went on I can be sued....it's biz, it's not childsplay. We get paid well, you are expected to do what's right as we have always treated people fairly and frankly even my HQ has been good to me when they didn't have to be
  8. Annunaki

    Annunaki Developed Alternating Nodes

    The article stated 24% required to test dropped out. 24% of 466 equals 116.5 , in your arguements favor. I would assume they dropped out because they knew they would piss hot.( I know not neccessarly) .116+12 is 128 or 27% . That's around 27% tested ( or that should be)are using drugs.

    That's also considering that 4700 people were given a written test to determine wether or not they could be prone to having a drug problem. How the hell can you not pass that! That means that 9% of the population are just to dumb to write down an easy answer , or they were picked at random. 9% seems kinda low to me . I just don't think you can test for that on a written test.

    That means you have to test for everyone , it still cost 252,000k . Still ahead of the game . The article also dosnt state if 4700 were selected to take the written test , or if that was the total number of applicants. The number seems low but maybe Utah has a low population. Irk
  9. Annunaki

    Annunaki Developed Alternating Nodes

    As an employer , they absolutely have the right. You as an employee aslo have the right to do drugs or not. Somtimes things may seem " oversimplified" , because their simple.

    I believe the testing itself is flawed. A pot smoker can get tested any given day and test positive , even though sober at work. Just like alcohol , because I drank the night before and am at work sober , shouldn't be a problem. But this is about welfare and how they spend my money.
  10. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I know Annu....I was reading that and it's like "How the fuck do you fail that test?!?!?!"

    This is no shit, if I knew where it was I would put a copy here just for everyone's amusement, they used to have an application at work about 5-10 years ago that blew me away. Under the section where it inquires about drug use, they put no shit this is true....."only on special occasions like birthdays, weddings, new years"


    He didn't get the job, but the application made the rounds. Seriously it was from late 90's or so and they when I finally started working in the office they showed it to me like as it was a treasure. Really it was the funniest thing I've seen cause you have to ask yourself...who the fuck would honestly say that?!?!?!

    But that's like the death penalty argument....they test people now to make sure they are not mentally slow before they execute them. Who would pass that test?? :roffl: Judge walks in and says here take this test, if you pass we kill you, you fail you get to live....

    Some people can't and shouldn't be helped, if anything they shouldn't be allowed to bred
  11. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Yes, legally, of course they have the right. How could anyone argue otherwise?

    My point was more in the realm of moral or natural rights. In that sense, I thought obviously, no one has the right to demand you to submit a physical part of your body. It's an invasion of privacy.

    And, as I said before, people that focus on those mythical high-flying welfare queens instead of real problems like corporate welfare are just getting played for fools.
  12. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I agree with you hank. I really do.

    I don't test unless there's reason, but I reserve the right to test as I see fit, same as firing as I see fit. Just because someone gets high on the weekend it's not my biz. Even if they take the occassional pill not scribbed by doctor it's not my biz UNLESS it effects work...then it's my biz and I will test and fire over that.

    Corporate welfare costs billions also, but one evil does not excuse the other. Unfort those welfare queens run this country and pay the bills. The day the shoe is on the other foot things will change. But saying they do it so should we doesn't excuse it.

    Life is about incentives....everything in life is based off incentives. I know you are well read and understand that, we just disagree politically and I think your mind would be changed as well if you were stateside. I actually voted for Obama twice, the second one I kick myself about, but Romney was a douche bag. I still haven't figured out if he would have been better or worse because my biggest prob with Obama is the spying on us citizens....he's a flat out liar
  13. Annunaki

    Annunaki Developed Alternating Nodes

    Just because there are bigger problems dosnt negate smaller ones , which in any case is just a matter of perspective. If that was the case we should all be talking about genocide and ban any other thread.

    I agree a safety net is the right thing to do. But there is no denying it is abused.
  14. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    The NSA has been doing the same stuff under different names since the early 1900's, the technology just got better and they got caught under this president.
  15. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Not even close...not even close.

    Obama even said it wrong and that he would put an end to warantless wiretaps, I guess he did, he just took everyones data when the previous just did a select few terrorist...that way the terrorists are being profiled
  16. CCrete

    CCrete Mr. Poopyfacepeepeehead

    Here we go again with your nice little jabs at someone who you THINK you know...sorry you don't agree with me Mr.Hanky,MODERATED

    Fact is fact lil man, aint a damn person here or anywhere who calls and check on how their state blows their cash and the fact that anyone who hones in on a minor topic of such as cost for a singlular drug test is a straitup goofy line of YOUR logic

    cost for a state mandated drug test is the least of anyones worries, good thing that you wanna argue the possibility of a loss of life or lifelong injury over a retail value of $7-8....great logic mr.smartypants, I can feel the education from your brains barfing and encompassing me as we both breathe, I feel highly enlightened:roffl:

    but its your typical nonsensical puke you like to spew from your island you live on....live in somewhere else and MAYBE you'll sharpen your point of thinking to something honorable as a man who supposedly takes care of his family correctly and stands for something on the grounds nearest that resembles a set of legit BALLS....till then, keep barfing your traitor shit

    please stop talking to me Hank, god please help me:rofl:
  17. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Guess who this is, that's right, that's before he had the power in his hands and is using it to control the masses:not-worthy::not-worthy: The man is a liar, no ifs and or buts about it....flat out liar. He did this, for anyone to say he didn't has their head in the sand. I'm not sure but I think Bush left office about 5 years ago. When did Snowden leak the info and when were those programs started??!?!?!?!?!

    That's right, it's to stop terrorists attacks....thats why he's spying on everyone and logging even grandma's calls (the actual calls) but the sons of bitches couldn't stop Ft. Hood or the Boston Bombing?!! Wow, maybe if us Americans just lived in cages and were naked and let the government control our every move including what we eat (yeap you guessed it, he's well his wife is in on that also) we would all be safe and the big bad terrorists won't get us.

    Should I go into the "if you like your insurance, you can keep it" ??? I was personally saving that one for next year when about half this board loses it's employer provided coverage. Funny how the next roll out phase and numbers isnt until just after the mid term isn't it?? Funny who delayed that one also so the Dems don't lose as many seats because Obamacare is an absolute failure and those who signed up this year will see HUGE increases in Nov-Dec for 2015 and the rest of us that have good insurance through our jobs will lose it but not til after the election......remind me who again delayed that (illegally I might add, president doesn't have power to change law...)?


    BTW....did you see his speach today??? Unemployment payments create jobs?? On what planet? The best part about it, even if you follow his asinine logic, its called, wait for it.....wait for it.....TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS!! Damn that's right, remember what Bush was vilified for??? If this person has more money to spend, then in turn that creates jobs. Shit came right out of his mouth today.

    Oh and the tax cut for companies to hire low income and unemployed.....that's his new plan. But wait...does that mean when companies get tax cuts they hire.....tell me again who did that and was vilified....that's right Bush.

    So let's recount this, Bush was evil because he went to war that Obama expanded. Bush was a dick for spying on suspected terrorist, Obama fixed that by seizing ALL data inside the US from ALL CITIZENS. Bush was wrong to use trickle down economics, guess who's plan that is and was announced today?? And big corps getting tax breaks is wrong and they just pocket the money for bonuses, but now that Obama is in office this creates jobs


    Obama will go down as the worst president in US history. I voted for him twice, I'm ashamed


    CC, watch the ad hominem but freely speak your mind. I agree with you 100%. You know what it's like to be around heavy equipment and machines. Someone can die very easily. I take that seriously as I'm sure you do to. I don't want to be a fucking crimpled son of a bitch shitting on myself because my insides were crushed by some dumbass cause he was high
  18. ducrider

    ducrider growing your mamas weed

    I'm moving this to the politic forum...
  19. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    Sure, not saying big problems negate small ones, but there is a difference in my mind as far as priority goes.

    Yes, of course, there are people who abuse the system. But, who are they? Piss-testing the whole group stigmatizes them. Some reason for suspicion of illicit drug use needs to present to justify drug testing, imo, not just the simple fact of being on welfare in itself.
  20. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    One long post i hope you guys do read...

    Jesus nippie:eek:..... You sure do have some fucked up right wing views for a guy who voted Obama twice:tvlaugh:

    Dont get me wrong,i DO get what your saying and i do see why you have reached that kinda conclusion...but still. Listen its bad enough our Govt can drug test us,its bad enough they spy on us and its bad enough they can fuck with what WE choose to do in our free time in the privacy of our own homes. But jesus man,dont give them any more fucking ideas!:roll:

    The day ANY government decides who can or cannot have kids based on a self belief of a superior moral compass..... thats the beginning of the end right there buddy! Seriously man, listen. You live a good life man,you got the whole childhood sweetheart and 2.4 children gig going on,be happy dude! Why you wanna judge on others man? Thats some westboro baptists shit nip:icon_biggrin:

    Listen i know some real fuckin idiots,scumbags even. They dont raise their kids right,i feel sorry for the kids. But should they be denied the right to have kids just cos i view them as scumbags?No way man,cos no matter what i think of the parents,that kids gonna grow up ,do shit and have a potentially great impact on the world. In fact sometimes the kids brought up by scumbags in hellholes go on to become VERY productive members of society,others dont. Point is,we cant say shit like that and mean it man,can we? Hey i agree with chemical castration for sex case paedophiles,it works in Estonia and other places.

    But the day my Govt says "hey who wants to take a vote on whether scumbags can have kids?". Thats the day im phoning you my man to arrange a shipment of arms pronto!:gat:

    Seriously man,theres literally one or two things that are SIGNS that its time to take your country back... thats one of them in my book. Fuck the government and fuck the way they make us all fuck each other up the ass! :jerk:

    Solidarity is whats needed,not some commie bullshit,just good old brotherhood among the people man cos let me assure you,see once the govt start fucking with the scumbags kids,who you think is next on the list?Working class,middle class...BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR :bongin:

    :2c: As far as urine tests go.... i aint doing no urine test period! I work twice a week in a drug testing centre and they would never dare fucking test the workers cos its basically acting like they got the right just cos they pay your wages?They do?Nope. YOU do work for them,you provide them a service for which they provide a wage,all this employers have the right do to this and that bullshit kills me.:BangHead: Its like in peoples rush to condemn others they are UNWITTINGLY CONDEMNING THEMSELVES AND THEIR OWN KIND.:BangHead:

    YES in cases like you and CC are talking about where danger is involved or in cases i referred to where honesty is involved that can affect peoples lives.... but for the guy like me who tests people for drugs,why should i get tested?Im not asking for a methadone script. Im there to help the guys who do want a script. The fact i smoke weed in the privacy of my own home is none of the govt nor my employers business.

    This is dangerous territory and i FULLY AGREE WITH HANK when he says THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT.... DOGS EATING DOGS! Dont fall for this shit.:eusa_naughty:

    Over here in the UK im literally watching the middle classes sucking the upper classes dicks while the working classes fuck the under classes up the ass by supporting TERRIBLE WELFARE REFORMS where the govt are actually taxing people who have SPARE BEDROOMS!!:eek: (among other shit)

    Yeah sucking the welfare titty needs addressed ,but sensibly. Why do we go so crazy over money on welfare but we dont give a fuck that our Govts use tax dollars to waste 100X more money on warfare and killing people.

    Wheres the mock outrage when its NEEDED?All that money and we cant help Syria? "Yeah but we pay tax for welfare?"... What and you dont FUND the military,you dont fund the NSA who spy on you?You pay for that shit so whats the difference? Because you can SEE a few junkie scumbag families sucking that welfare titty? What if i showed you some drone footage of what your tax dollar does to INNOCENT foreign people? Its the same isnt it:ponder:


    I'll tell you guys now,the similarities going on today are eerily similar to the emerging philosophies of nazi Germany. Always look to the past cos it literally will predict the future. Its sad that in this economic climate,CREATED BY THE FUCKIN WANKERS OF BANKERS AND GOVT ,that all of a sudden everyones so pre occupied with what their neighbour has or hasnt that they are TOTALLY missing the sinister udnertones going on here.

    My govt says we are about to turn a corner. That depends what angle you approach cos from where im looking where gonna go over an edge. Sad thing is ,once their done with the underclasses then their gonna come for YOU! Working class,middle class,you name it. Open your eyes people:sad4:

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