Welfare Drug Testing Ruled Unconstutional!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hank Chinaski, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    TA, it was a joke. I was saying if you're not smart enough to pass a questionnaire then you're prob not the smartest guy in the room.

    But we have a serious drug problem in this country, the absolute vast majority of our crime is related to drugs....once again I don't consider marijuana to be in this category, and frankly offering people free help to get off the drugs specially when taxes are paying for their fix.

    The US's military is extremely bloated but believe me no enlisted man is getting rich, Contractors are. I would love to see it reduced but you do have to understand our military keeps the world open for trade. You wouldn't be able to ship around Africa if it wasn't for the US Navy (sometimes the French and Russians). But it's the same as welfare, the shit needs to be reformed.

    You say this is what they want.....you do realize that "they" is both sides. Obama couldn't give two fucks about the average citizens. THey have their masters as well. No difference at all between Dems and Reps. They both have corporate masters and wish to suck America dry. That's what pisses me off, the Dems act like it just the Republicans when they are just as bad if not worse.....and people like Hank refuse to believe this. Look at the Salon article, propaganda at it's finest. It serves no purpose but to have an us against them mentality.

    Both sides use people to control them, just like religion. I;ll never be a right winger because I can't swallow the religion, but the left worships Obama/Gov in the same way and the man has absolutely destroyed America. That's why you won't see a response to what I posted about him, because it's absolutely true and there is NO DIFFERENCE between him and Bush, if anything Obama is 10x's worse

    Believe it or not, you can still have the American dream, you may have to cheat a little to get it, but hard work will get you somewhere in life still. Look at me, totally overworked and underpaid (imho) but I have a wife that stays home and a roof over my head. I understand that working hard will pay off, if not for me for my kids.

    What bothers me the most is most people that bitch about poverty have no clue what it is.....not a single clue. I remember shitting in an outhouse because there wasn't indoor plumbing and not being able to play tonka trucks because they would roll against the wall because the house was so uneven. No milk, only the shit in the cans, no water unless you went out and pumped it yourself. You didn't eat unless Grandma grew it. If you wanted to go to the store, you drove 40 minutes. That's fucking poverty, my family came from that. My grandfather wasn't even paid in real money, he got that company store pay because he was a coal miner...even though it was illegal.

    In short, you can choose to sit on your ass and bitch, or make something out of your life. If you are fine with where you are, good for you, but don't take more away from me because I want better and choose to sacrifice my time and family life to get it. Growing is another example of that....risking prison daily just to get a head....but I am a true American and just consider this a second job.

    50 years ago they declared a war on poverty...how's that working out? Income inequality is bad, but sometimes it's deserved. Someone flipping burgers DOES NOT deserve the same pay as me. I'll say that proudly. They don't work all hours they are awake. They don't have to take their work home with them, they don't have to work while on vacation.....

    I'm not cold blooded, just believe in the whole....give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for life. Thats why I am here at GK, to teach others to grow so they can better themselves. Just like at work, all my stupid classes I have to take, all the work.....you know what though, it gives me knowledge, and no one can ever take that away from me. Just like my signature line, it's not a joke about GI Joe, it's something I heard every morning growing up and truly believe because knowing is half the battle.

    Education should be free, but what you do in life with it is up to you

    But you speak of the underclass, Obama is trying to make all Americans the underclass, raising min wage doesn't help with poverty, it just makes more people the poorest in this country.

    No one deserves to starve, but frankly I shouldn't have to pay for someone's heroin addiction or crack addiction with my tax dollars. We're not talking about pot here, no one is addicted to pot, but those others are destroying our communities....even middle class communities, I have seen it myself
  2. Hank Chinaski

    Hank Chinaski Ruminating

    You must spread some reputation around before giving it to The Apprentice again.

    Great post, man. Spot on.
  3. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Its politics,shit gets said. Just TRY not to be personal towards each other guys.

    Keep it civil you guys,please?Thanks:ebert:
  4. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'


    Attack ideas not each other....

    I think cc is in the same boat as me though. People have habits...that's fine...you'd nevee know and shouldn't. ..but a junkie is a junkie...ain't no hiding that.

    Can't stand theiving ass junkies or people that jeopardize others because of their problem
  5. Annunaki

    Annunaki Developed Alternating Nodes

    That's where our train of thoughts differ. I don't suspect a welfare reciepient of being on drugs at all. But I believe if you want the benefits there are conditions to be met. Same thought process with employment. Your not under a suspicion when your tested for a job , its just a condition( no drug use) that the employer demands.
  6. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Its degrading though. Look at this way.... here in the UK everyone pays into the system via our tax and our national insurance (which pays for everyones free healthcare). My Dad has worked all his life. He was an engineer until he had a few hernias and a bad back injury due to heavy lifting in his job. He had to go on benefits for a short time until he went to college got his diploma and then became a care worker in childrens homes and old folks homes. Hes paid HIS dues into that system all his life. He pays for the welfare state.

    So surely when a point in his life comes where he needs to draw out money from the welfare state instead of pay into it,surely he shouldnt have to go through the degrading humiliation of drug tests? Why should old age pensioners or disabled people have to do drug tests just because they recieve some sort of money from the state?

    So basically if thats the case he should also have to provide drug tests for his free healthcare too cos why test for one taxpayer funded initiative but not the other? Where does it end? Does he need to do a drug test in order to keep receiving his old age pensioner free buspass or his old age pensioner free prescriptions? I dont agree with people who have worked all their lives and then maybe fell on injury or hard times and having to go through that cos its these very same people who FUND the welfare state. People who fund the state shouldnt have to go through this. Its like paying insurance and then when someone dies the company says you need to pass a drug test to receive the payout. What relevance does it have?

    If someone goes to a friend and that friend gives them a free toke their now gonna lose their welfare cheque?Why? This is just yet another way the Govt can invade and control our lives. Drug tests today and tomorrow its microchips in the arm. No one should be drug tested ever...unless they perform jobs where honesty or danger is involved. Also if they are gonna get drug tested and put of welfare if they fail then why not breathalyse them too? I mean we cant have them buying booze with their welfare cos thats more expensive and potentially more dangerous than most drugs right?Where does it end:ponder:

    Why dont we drug test the Govt cos they make policies that can make or break all our lives,surely we wanna know if theres any crack head policy makers out there or Presidential candidates that smoke weed?

    Its mind boggling how far this can go once the consent has been given and the floodgates opened. See the money spent on urine testing the whole nation on welfare,would that not be better spent on drug treatment programs to get people off drugs or even spent on new drug policy to regulate drugs?I just think its a waste of money and it stigmatises a whole people. How can you drug test them but not care if they spend their money on booze which is more dangerous ,more deadly to the body which means more free healthcare. Cos the govt dont wanna stop welfare recipients buying booze,they like that and so do the booze lobbyists.

    Govt only wanna do drug tests cos its a product they dont control and taxate,think about it:2c:
  7. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    Your confused as to what the welfare system is over here TA. It's not the same, you don't pay into it...that's social security and you;ll never hear me bitch about that except the disabled 20 y/o that never worked.

    We have many many systems here, all of which are abused.
  8. Annunaki

    Annunaki Developed Alternating Nodes

    Exactly. Social security is what all WORKING Americans pay into , to recieve money after retirement. It's a pretty shitty pay out and probabaly will implode before I'm able to withdrawal what I put in.

    There's Medicade and Medicare. Medicare is old people who qualify for caertian reasons. Medicare is low /no income who can qualify for FREE INSURANCE because they don't make enough or choose not to work. ( this may be a state thing , I'm not sure if its national) so I have a copay for meds and doc visits , plus pay for insurance , and they ride free , not even a copay. There is a large amount that don't work just to collect.

    There's food stamps , low income , get a card , cover grocerys , alcohol , cigs ....

    There's heap , can't afford to pay for utility's...get a card

    There's wic , can't feed your baby , get a card

    I'm sure theres more but you get the point. There are safety nets for working people , or old people who put in. And there are systems people leech off. Who don't work because they make out better not working.

    Like I said , I think a lot of these programs may be by state . So it could be different elsewhere.
  9. friendlyfarmer

    friendlyfarmer Rollin' Coal

  10. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    I need to go google what exactly your welfare system is lol. We have DWP(department of work and pensions),it used to be called Social security and everyone pays into it by default and then when hard times come you can rightly go get your Income support or jobseekers allowance cheque.
  11. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    That is all assuming that the person applying has never worked or payed taxes, and that certainly is not even close to the truth.

    AND if you look at the statistic, over half of families on assistance are off of it within one year.

  12. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    See LL, that's the problem, you are looking at the 50% that are doing the right thing, most of us see the 50% doing the wrong thing.....now look at that number from your data $131,900,000.00 and think 50%

    About the work thing, I'm sure it's prob split 50/50 as well. Entire families, multi generational live on welfare....kids prego before they leave school.
  13. skunky

    skunky labor smoke'n lumberjack

    What???? How did you forget Obama phones? :roffl:

    This is what makes me sick. The hell with these societal leeches.



  14. Psycho D


    Granted, I'm an apatheist when I comes to shit like this.....and don't have a dog in this fight either way.

    So take this next part at face value:

    Law of unintended consequences here. Sure, let's say it's 50/50 as far as poor folks that need it as opposed to assholes that milk the mailbox money.

    That said, let's examine this scenario.

    You're a suburban family of 5 with 2 jobs and say like an aged mom to take care of or whatever..and you need assistance....or you're going to lose your house.


    There's this other cracked out chick who lives in public housing already and dumps out a kid every other year with another dude she never sees while making your breakfast burritos at Arfby's..

    Should either of these two families get welfare help?

    Obviously we're looking polars here but, for the sake of examination, wouldn't us as taxpayers be better off giving them both help? Provided that the second one gets off dope and maybe gets a better job? How does one monitor that situation? Drug tests bitch or, fuck you and send those kids to HHS and go broke.

    Should the suburban family get tested too? Don't wanna fuckin discriminate right? So yep.

    So on the flip side...

    NO one gets tested, the suburb cats make their mortgage a few more years, gets back on their feet,,,,,,and, the other one????? I double, triple, quadfuckinduple am damn sure, we're still paying for that FOREVER>

    What's the moral of this hyperbole?.......

  15. nippie

    nippie preachin' and pimpin'

    I will tell a tale that may explain my right wingism as TA thinks it is...

    I live in a community that used to be middle class - upper middle class.

    About 5 years ago we were sued by HUD for not having enough low income people in our area. Our community fought and fought but ultimately had to accept X unit of housing for low income and X units of section 8.

    Our crime rate has EXPLODED!!!! literally in 2 years we went from having basically a Mayberry style neighborhood to daily robberies and shootings, pit bull fighting, heroin on a scale which is unbelievable and it has caused everyone to lose money. Property value has never recovered from the housing collapse and will never because you can't sell your house when the neighbor whom didn't even have to pay for theirs have pit bulls running loose and prego teenagers with open drug market.

    Those who I talk with off the boards know what I am talking about because they have heard me bitch about it before.

    All my friends have left, most taking a loss on their homes just to get away.

    Why the fuck should my tax dollars be used to destroy the community I choose to live in? Literally it's like HUD has declared war on us and anyone that speaks out is a racist or hates the poor (like hank was trying to say). It's not about that at all.....our Administrator put it best when he said "if you can't afford to live here and do so by government dollars, we expect for you to follow our rules and lifestyles"......well of course he's an evil SOB and hates everyone and just want's to keep our community "lily white" as it was described by numerous numerous "inner city leaders"....guess what, I don't live in the inner city, I don't want that life style.....that's why I PAID the money I did for the house that I did.

    And the thing that pisses people like me and others around me is that when we go to work, our houses get robbed by these people. When we go to the grocery story, you see them buying shit we can't afford. When you go to the gas station, you have to take a gun so you are not robbed......this is over the course of two years.

    I'm not against the poor or even helping people out, but you have to conform to our rules if you want that. You can't take and then destroy those whom you took from.

    How the fuck is that fair????? Literally my neighborhood has been destroyed!!!! It's not even recognizable from what it was a couple years ago....all in the name of helping the so called poor. I love the line that I've heard so many times leading into this....mixed income neighborhoods work, "low income people will see how hard you work and strive to be like you".....meanwhile our crime rate has exploded and daily robberies and drug related shootings by these people whom are trying to fit in

  16. ResinRubber

    ResinRubber Civilly disobedient/Mod

    Anectdotal...I know...means nothing. But,

    I can give you chapter and verse of alias's and addy's for entire families three generations deep that collect multiple checks for the same person under different persona's. It's commonplace. I can also go chapter and verse on local companies that intentionally subvert corporate subsidies to take advantage of programs they in truth shouldn't be eligible for.

    Both are deplorable and costing the U.S. billions of $$ we can ill afford. Why does it continue? Power and constituency.

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