"eh i hate dating. I just need some man lovin....is that bad? Like sex and like boyfriends, just not the in between part." how old are you and where do you live?!? but my limit is 100 miles radius ;P Karen?
lol i forgot i posted that....ahh well i think it must be still up if anyone wanted to go on a hunt.ottytrain1:
Just a few do :icon_cool: You are in my circle of trust brotha........or should I say, i talk to you in im! :rolleyes2:
dating?! lol naw just dying to meet more local growers! im always lookin to meet new friends with the same hobby and trade tricks and tips ya know? sorry if i came off like i was just trying to find a date canna lol im a lil blazed
lol....but nah i don't get round to much chatting latey...i think i may have aim but got me if i know the password or even username for that matter, havn't used it for years. i'm prolly a coupla hours from ya if ur in the bay area. I would love to know some other growers near me. I really don't know anyone but you guys.
yeah it would be fun to know some growers other than on here haha the only other guy i know i really dont trust and choose not to affiliate myself with so im kinda on my own out here... cana are you a med patient too?
nope. just love ma mary jane. I have gastritis/ulcer and sometimes use it for nausea but mostly just for relaxing.