What News Channel

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HeadCase, Oct 20, 2009.


What News Channel

  1. Fox News

    0 vote(s)
  2. CNN News

    0 vote(s)
  3. MSN News

    0 vote(s)
  4. Local News

    0 vote(s)
  5. Internet

    0 vote(s)
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  1. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Where do you go for News?
    ResinRubber likes this.
  2. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

    You watch fox?!! You probably :bj: glenn beck!
  3. JuggaloKing420

    JuggaloKing420 Just clownin around

    I watch abc.There's been a couple of days that I didn't watch the news and the news was here.Peace
  4. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    I think Fox is a little too biased to the right to be considered real news!
  5. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    Yea I watch Fox News yes they are bias for Republicans & Liberals & you don't have to agree with Glen Beck to watch Fox . I use to watch CNN but they are so far up the Democrats ass it's unreal Dem's can't do any wrong. They don't report all the news just what makes the Dem's look good . I've been a Dem all my life but watching CNN during the elections made me change to Fox. I know I had a rant before about News Channels reporting their opinions instead of the news & I still feel that way . But come on ABC sells Obama stuff in their lobby.-Bud
  6. AverageJoe

    AverageJoe papa oom mow mow

    They're all bullshit

    I don't get my news from any single source. I prefer the internet, but I'll put on CNN for a few minutes, then when I get sick of their bullshit, I'll switch over to HLN for a few minutes, then maybe Fox news for a few. Local news channels are totally worthless, and I haven't gotten a newspaper in years.

    I don't like any of them.

    I will watch Lou Dobbs when I catch him on...and Yes, I will even watch Glenn Beck from time to time. :eek:

    I mostly get my news from the Politics section of GK :thumbsup:
  7. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush


    I usually get my news off the internet. CNN IS up the liberal press's asses a bit, but Fox is soooo far up the Repubs asses that they take vacations in their outer colon just to get away from it all!!! There are things about the far left that I just can't get in line with like this fuckin hippie pedophiles are people too, no death penaly EVER, free trade is unfair kind of nutballs. I can't get onboard with the Americas shit don't stink, establishment/status quo protectionist, Anglo-Saxon Christian suprimicists with their "other peoples vices need to be controlled but our vices are OK" type of mentality.

    I also can't get behind the "Everything should be centered around children" type of mentality. I find alot of undercover Facism is masked as "in the best interest of the children". Like the people who think that it would sooooo bad if homosexuals were able to marry like everyone else. "What am I going to tell my child." That's TOTAL BULLSHIT! These two concenting adults can't be together because you don't want to sit down and talk to your friggin kid for a few minutes? If my daughter who is three right now came to me 20 years from now and told me that she was gay, I would just insist that when she was ready for children she use artificial incimination so that our genes can be passed on to another generation. I love technology! I mean the fact that my genetic pool would die with me would be my only concern! I just want my little pookie to be happy!

    EDIT: I can't say I would be TOTALLY cool with it from the start but I'd eventually get over it.
  8. morel

    morel Guest

    The best way to get the news, is to be there, to watch a web cam, then believe only half of what you just seen and discount the rest as garbage
  9. LionLoves420

    LionLoves420 Lazy Days In The Sun

    Internet all the way, though I stick to mostly the AP and other known world sources. Hit up a lot of NPR too when I can.

    My problem with ALL TV news: repetition and stupid ass "Odd news" stories that who the fuck cares about. There are a lot of more important things going on than some wanna-be reality TV stars playing a hoax on the "media."
  10. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P


    Calm Down

  11. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    I got your calm Down:budporn: :stfu: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  12. TheApprentice

    TheApprentice Retired.

    Why watch news or read it,simply ask rupert murdoch what to believe,lol...

    True.... but thats why i LOVE watching 'faux news',lol,its more entertainment than anything else for me. Its like WWE wrestling,we know its all written by scriptwriters but its still a laugh to watch. I love watching that beck guy cry his heart out over some stupid ass shit,i fuckin LOVE watching that crazy ass neo-con that is the one and only O'Reilly!!! That guy is comedy gold,a real entertainment genius,lol,i love it when he hits out with crazy shit like trying to boycott pepsi cos they use a rapper in their adverts and other off the wall stuff like that.Its actually mental to think people tune in for a "fair and balanced" (thats their remit and motto:roll:) view of policitcs and world events. Faux news are as about as fair and balanced in terms of politics and "lefties" as the spanish inquisition were to "heretics" and "witches":lmao: In fact id say the inquisition went a little bit more easy on them than O'Reilly does on liberals and gays and ethnic minorities,etc...

    But i watch CNN,ABC,FOX,SKY NEWS,ITN NEWS,BBC NEWS sprinkled with my daily digestion of at least two newspapers(daily express and the sun) along with my usual internet news outlets and AP is my number ONE for fair and balanced news reporting. I dont agree with all the editorial views on tv and newspapers but that dont stop me viewing them for info or even just to see what the media barons are trying to make us think and believe.

    Rupert Murdoch runs everything,it would be easier if he just updated a daily blog and all his media outlets could simply run his stories direct cos he controls a lot.In the UK the sun has supported the labour party for past 13 years and now with an election looming they have turned to support the tories at the request of JAMIE MURDOCH so that means sky news ,the times and any other NEWS INTERNATIONAL company will also portray the tories as the only electable party(they own a few americsan major news outlets aswell). See most of us can see these things but theres a hell of a lot of people out there who still believe that news papers and channels are unbiased and honest so they are the ones who vote based on what they hear and read and thats scary when you understand the power the murdoch family really do have in WORLD politics.Id say he is easily one of the top 5 most influential people in the world today....EASILY!!!!Peace:potleaf:
  13. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~

    LOL I agree FOX news is entertaining as Glen Beck is so dramatic..haha

    I like Lou Dobb's if I remember when to turn the TV on for he usually will present both sides plus he reminds me of a grandpop....haha :)

    HL news is OK and I will put that on in the morning for it is usually short and sweet with all the breaking news being broadcasted.

    I get my news from the internet so I can choose different things to read. CNN used to be one source a long time ago but now they too are so far up the Dem's ass you can't get an unbiased report on jack shit. Not sure about all of you but have you notices that so many stations are so far up the White House they all have brown noses and smell like poooo?? Makes me wonder who owns them? ;)

    I do think our Politics section keeps all of us aware of daily news and at least we all banter or express different opinions it never is bias. :thumbsup:

    Anywhos.....good thread.:thumbsup:
  14. MrAstro

    MrAstro R.I.P

  15. Mermaid

    Mermaid ~Sea Of Green~


    ...good one mrastro!!
  16. pookie

    pookie Veggy Stage

    thank god someone told it

    yes, murdoch owns fox, time/life, gannett newspapers, and who knows what else. when he bought the news, all objectivity and real journalism just died. what puzzles me are the "family first" men who arent even married (true, what woman would want them), but i wonder what is stopping the liberal watchdogs from getting dirty, and finding whats really under he facades of beck, oreilly, limbaugh, et al. if i had their money, thats what id be doing.

  17. HappyHappyHighGuy

    HappyHappyHighGuy dreamer and misfit

    Politics aside, most "news" shows are only interested in sensational stories. I turned on the CNN Situation Room last week and are they talking about serious issues that affects us? No, they are talking about Letterman's affair.
  18. pookie

    pookie Veggy Stage

    yea,hhhg, its frustrating

    that there seems to be only fluff on tv news, makes you wonder if the agenda of the news monopoly is simply to dumb down the public.. seems that the dems are demonized, and liberal is a dirty word. in spite of the reps rhetoric about family, gays and drugs, they still engage in the most appalling of hypocrasy, yet no one calls them on it. what comes to mind is the garbage about Kerry and his war record. Bush used his "senator's son" card to leave the military early and go to BUSINESS SCHOOL. Cheney, used NINETEEN college deferments to avoid military service. where was the vets outrage at that? Palin's husband was part of a secessionist group in alaska. thats called TREASON! yet, McCain was on tv actually giddy when speaking of her as his running mate. IMO the dems are pretty much what you see. the reps are not what you see, rather a group that plays to the uninformed, the uneducated (hence their attacks on intellectuals, calling them "elite") and the bigoted religious. the only real news comes from the Christian Science Monitor, which is the unbiased news of the day, and has been for many years. the internet? just about anybody can write on the internet, it should be taken with a rock of salt.

  19. blackprince11

    blackprince11 Prince of the Hindu Kush

    Herbsparky? Apprentice? Snickelfritz? Sombody get in here and get this guy the weblink to the Obama Deception! We might have a candidate for another blue pill!
  20. HeadCase

    HeadCase Old Prick

    :alienwink: :alien11: :alien11: :alienwink:

    By the way what planet did you come from is there any intelligent life on it?

    Obama has flip flopped on everything he said before he was elected . The Dem's are like kids with their hands in the cookie jar & there isn't any cookies left. What about all this Transparency sure got close door with health care. I don't like the Rep's they are just a different bunch of thieves & can lie with the best of them.-Bud

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