I dont know Lion. Never underestimate fervent national pride mixed with an enemy with a score to settle.They wouldnt win but it would be a real conventional war,long drawn out and dug in. I saw China on news earlier condemning NK. I see China are finally understanding 'spin' and public relations a bit better
They're starving again so they set off a nuke and wait for the goodies to roll in. China will trade power and food for unverified reduction in capability. The U.S. will send them technology just like last time with Clinton. It'll go quiet while the boy idiot sexes it up in a mansion for a few more years until they get hungry again. NK knows if they pass this stuff to anybody else they're dead. China borders no fools when it comes to their national security.
The policy in North Korea is Military First. That means food, money and materials. What ever is left over is what gets to the civilians, and it ain't much. The North Korean people are something like 6 inches shorter than the South Koreans due to malnutrition. That place is seriously fucked up. The civilians don't have the strength or weapons to revolt and the military doesn't want to change because they are the ones with the privileges. I don't know much about the new leader, Kim Jung-Un because they aren't letting any info out, but I suspect at this point he is not the one calling the shots. It is the military leaders running everything now.