Well couldnt get the new carmera workin!!!:icon_confused: :icon_confused: but i did get my old one to snap a few. I kinda cleaned up the weeds around it to give her a little more light also. I remeber like it was yesterday how she looked so small, and now from base to tip she is about 4.5 feet in lenth. Well hope ya enjoy!assit:
NICE BB!!! She's lookin like one happy lady there! Great job man! Can't wait to see the outcome of this grow- looks like it's gonna be a doozie!!! Peace -LM
Thank you thank you! but the show has just begun:new_popcornsmiley: . Yeah she ain't a gorilla but it will be my first successful outside grow! And as soon as:icon_scratch: i get my new camera workin right ill take a couple nice close up's of the flower's starting!assit:
every clone i had outside got ate by something this year , keeping it in a pot like that helps your chances too
she's not in the pot no more1 the sec pic is of her in begging of june. The first pic is of her now. Im glad i put her in the ground as she's gettin way bigger than i expected. Well she has a shit load of hairs poppin everywere so ill have some more pics in the next few days for ya!assit:
Man i like your thinking. I was hoping to get about a qp off both plants i got out side. Don't think i talked much about the other one (Chocolate Diesel clone) as i didn't get her out till the second week in July. But she is still looking beautiful! any ways ill be postin some more pics soon i hope!
Well as promised here are the pic updates. Man is this my most favorite time of the year!!! Hope u like the early porn! Ohh here is a couple pics of my Chocolate Diesle. Fuck does she have some big leaves! She has a few hairs poppin but nothin to get a good pic of yet.assit:
SO its kinda risky lookin at my babies in the garden as i dont wanna pull to much attention to my spot. But of course i went over to them tonight and was just stuck gawking at them in the moon light. I swear my rino is growing by the minute. Well all i can do is sit feed my babies and sit back and watch em grow!:new_popcornsmiley: couldnt think of a bettr thing to do!!!!assit:
Thanks Mr.D hope you got ur :new_popcornsmiley: and lawn chair set up cause this should be a beautiful show! And look at me sayin i wasnt gona post very many pics.! gotta get credit where credit is due!
well found out that i have a small case of the spider mites!!!! Ohh well just had to run and pick up some Captin Jack's DEADBUG brew. This stuff works great! Well here are a few pics, sorry the WR is so hard to make out. I like it that way as the neighbors cant tell then! and here are a few pics of the Chocolate Deisel I put a tomato cage around her so i ca start training her to it. Kinda makes it look cool! Well hope you like so far, ill keep ya posted!assit:
Well i went out messin with my new camera today and caught a few good shots in the garden. My White Rino is filling out quickly and smellin oooohhhh so great. well hope you enjoy! These ones i really like
The WR is growin pretty fast. The Ch. Deisel is laggin but startin to show improvements. The little mite problem i had was cured in one treatment. Well hopefully tomarrow i can make it up to the grow shop for some more Tiger Bloom and Beasty blooms whitch ill be starting to use the 1st of sep. and then ill be using Cha Ching for the last two weeks and then flushin for a week or so untill they are ready for the chop. Cant belive its just around the corner!!!!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Well here are a few pics. The first is of the Ch. Deisel. The WR
well they are about 2 weeks into flower and have a good number of pistals poppin out every were. Well stay tuned. By the way CanadianDan is doin it aging. MAn im again jelous of his back yard grow, but if i had that my girl would brobly cut my nuts off after choppin her down. assit: