Well besides my fave "mary", I am a drug virgin since I was always into sports, being high on life and did not want to try anything that altered my brain to where I could kill off brain cells. Yah I was chicken so never tried anything except herb and did try shrooms now and then. Had pain meds after I had my babies and a few surgeries but always was allergic to them or had a adverse reaction so lol never got into them either. Like yuenling beer or shots of tequilla when I do drink but other then that ....lol I feel boring considering most of my frds have tried lots when I was in HS and after. Now I am glad tho for I have seen many lose their lives in the sense of family, house, cars and jobs due to drug addiction. I do not frown upon anyone who does it in moderation but like anything, if you do it all the time and it starts to affect your life then time to say no before it is too late. Too much of anything can be lethal when abused and if one has an addictive personality then I would steer clear from the hard stuff. Plus all that stuff costs too much money to put up your nose IMO or in your body when you could easily get a nice buzzzz off a bowel or have a couple drinks as it is cheaper. Geo...congrats on the weight loss sis!!! So proud of you as I know that is hard to do but you go girl!! I am happy life is looking up for you and LOL @ ripe for picking. You crack me up.....hehehe
I am I really the only one lame enough...? ...to have to list Robo trippn? I'll never forget the ride to Ceadar Point (Amusement park)...6ppl in a rented minivan...3 of us robo tripping...3 oblivious. McDonalds breakfast...projectile vomiting from my 2 buddies...all I could do to keep from spewing. Man those roller coasters ROCKED!!! acid, shrooms, vicodin, ritalin, aderol, meth (2 times), that's pretty much it. My usage of prescriptions really only ever was dabbling. Didn't ever get F'd up before the age of 18. Started smoking tobacco @ 19...MJ daily from age 20. Tomorrow will be 28days with out tobacco. I'm 30 BTW. Now it's just MJ and shrooms on rare occasions. I have a couple of Salvia Plants but I don't really know how best to use them. Smoking Salvia is not the traditional way. My rule of thumb= from the earth in it's natural form. Shamanic uses and intentional experiences when it comes to the hallucinogens. Now that F'ing alcohol...I'm gonna have to make some revisions... Just keep realizing that I don't know how my night ended. Last week I woke up @ 5am in my basement sitting in a chair with my bowl, shattered between my feet. So much better than getting a story of how I was a raving maniac the night before, behaving a like Mr. Hyde. Time to reclaim some life...it's a pretty f'ing amazing life...don't really want to miss it. Blessings and strength to those fighting. Grat
HAHA someone really misinformed you. DXM is a cough suppressant. I don't know if you heard about all those kids eating up all the damn coricidine cough and cold(triple C's) or drinking the crap out of some robotusin(DM, cough). It will produce visuals but for sure not PCP or LSD.
DXM is in the category of disassociatives last time I checked. They class it (or did) with PCP and Ketamine. I took 5 boxes of Coricidin (2400mg DXM with alot of antihistamine) in a single session and was fucked up for over a week with visions and shit. The first 24 hours I was like a zombie - the body kept functioning but the mind was gone. I could go on and on about my old pal DXM. I still enjoy a taste now and again, but nowhere near the levels I used to take. I digress... But I think you misunderstood the listing: The PCP/LSD thing I mentioned was something else entirely. It was paper acid that I was told had PCP on/in it. I tripped, and it was different in a way that seemed to mesh with what I had heard of PCP (and couldn't match to anything else), but not having done PCP straight I couldn't claim for sure that it wasn't pesticide or some shit.
Im not sure you would be able to get the concentration of PCP to a high enough level to cause any effect on an acid tab, but i could be wrong.
That's what I thought, but there was something extra in there that I couldn't place. Edgy and aggressive, not the normal strychnine yuckies that come with crap blotter acid...
It may not neccisarily be that the concentration isn't high enough but the uptake isn't quick enough.. It is usually smoked (or snorted? no.. just smoked right? never done it) so it's kinda like eating pot versus smoking it. It hits you quicker and gets you higher if you smoke this much but to get that high you have to take THAT MUCH by eating and then it takes alot longer.. Oh wait, I think I just contradicted myself??? Yup, deffinately did.
wow I'm a good boy compared to most of you guys. I started smoking pot at age 15 and swore to never touch any other drug. Of course, I changed my mind and tried several drugs over the years. I love me some shrooms maybe two or three times a year, my favortie drug besides weed. I've also tried E and loved it a lot, too much I'd say. So I'm very glad that I don't know any E dealers cause that could be a problem for me. I've also tried coke, but seeing my two addicted friends acting like assholes keeps me in check. I decided that it wasn't worth my time. In my more Juvenile years I also liked tripping on Morning Glory seeds (LSA) which is surprisingly effective. I've also tried 2C-E, a very strong visual hallucinogen which I'd have to try a second time to know whether I liked it or not. Tried and hated 20X extracted Salvia, that shit should be illegal...I absolutely hate it. The only time I ever enjoyed Salvia was when I as drunk. Fuck meth and crack and H. I especially hate meth with a passion because I've seen the problems it causes up close and personal. I grew up in a rural part of the US and have seen a lot of good people, including my best friend, turn into really bad and mean assholes over meth. " don't got no weed, but ya want some crank?", its crazy how many times I heard that back in High School. It was much easier to buy crank than weed, how fucked up is that? Thankfully the only drugs I have to worry about are E and coke, both which I can't easily get. With coke I could tell that I'd have problems. I've never bought it, always just offered by friends, but yet I have strong urges to buy a bunch and get really fucked up. I don't even like the effects of coke, and I don't know why I have these urges. Also ecstasy would become a problem just because it makes me feel great. I would eat that shit everyday to make the world dandy, so keep it away from me!
oxycontin and oxycodone i have taken 120 mg of oxycontin and up to 30 mg of oxycodone (10 mg percocet) for about 2 years...to mask pain...works great as long as i get my dosage...if i dont..i get that withdrawel symtoms..really sucks....i am on for life...no cure..so i have to deal with it...doesnt make me horny...makes me pain free....or as close as you can get...oh i have big time case of diabetic neuropathy...we all have our crosses to bear...this is just fyi
E's are good, E's are good, ebanE'sargood! (search for THE SHAMEN 'EBENEEZER GOODE') I love my pills (well did until the quality went shit), but a few mates of mine tried taking them everyday. Its not good. Fast road to depression and pill cramps. Now pill cramp hurt!
Man that sucks you have bad diabetic neuropathy. Best for you to stay moving if you can. Those damn bed sores and crap can be horrific. I collaborated with a place that did a lot of chronic wound research for this condition and one lady had this horrible bed sore on her back thigh. They pulled out a mass that looked like a pumice stone for dead skin, turned out to be the head of her femur. I deal with diabetes day to day with my work, not personally like you, researching diabetic nephropathy(kidney failure). Atleast the MJ probably helps offset the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy, since pretty much every diabetic has it or will have it as the disease pregresses. IF you ever have any problems with sores forming or any type of chronic wound resulting from your diabetes and you can't find good help to get it taken care of. I highly suugest you make a call to the West Texas Wound Care Center. There is a doctor named Randy Wolcott who does all kinds of research on work with this. He has been able to get over 90% success rates at healing what were nonhealable chronic wounds using ultrasonification and debridment. He has even recently been using phage(a virus that eats bacteria basically), because he has been able to prove that bacterial biofilms play a huge role in interfering with the healing process. just an FYI.
to skunky you are very kind to take the time to tell me about the dr in tx...i will write that down and keep it in my"book"... i take all the pain med so that i can get out of bed...it is certain that i would be like the lady u are talking about...i dont want to take over the thread but thanks for the kind words and the fyi on the doc... got my shit today in mail via ups next day..i have to sign...left is 40 mg oxycontin/3 times a day and on right 10/325 perks...
That is a lot of pills! Oh and I guess they changed the name of their facility since then it is now called the southwest regional wound care center. No prob I know how this stuff effects people and sadly a lot of people don't know where to turn for good help. With the help he could offer you, you would never have to worry about that ladies situation being your certainty. That had happened a long time ago before they learned all this new stuff. One of the residents was just showing me some of the pics they had from bizzare cases of the past. Showing how bad it could get for some patients. Now they can pretty much heal any wound and have greatly reduced amputations. http://www.woundcarecenter.net/
Pill cramps??? Like constipation from opiates? And that's just one of the MANY bad things perscription or other drug addictions can cause... all of it leads to the end. First, good job not doing anything especially with all the crank around you.. that stuff can be tempting to just try and once you do your pretty much hooked. Second, That is pretty fucked up that you can't find pot but everybody has meth... but that's how it is in alot of rural towns and it's spreading... rapidly. Were supposedly in like a 10 year epidemic or something of meth (don't know how they predict that shit though...). As for the blow and having urges to use it again... I think you don't like the effects you were noticing. Theres nothing to not like about it. What makes you want it again is that very powerful feeling you get and the surge of energy. But you may not like how it numbs your nose and throat and mouth if you lick any, it may give you a headache or some shit.. who knows. But it's that huge rush of strength and energy and the feeling like your god that makes you want it again. Also, yea 20X salvia (or 10X, 40X, 80X, or even 120X) can make people sick, make them freak out, or just make them laugh their asses off. Some people hate it some people love it. It has a VERY distinct high to it and can get you really fucked up... I'm really sorry, I feel bad about what I said about your script usage now. I've known someone with that too and they took alot of oxy also. PS ncmaineac - oxycotin is oxycodone (oxycotin is the brand name) so both those pills are the same drug, just different strengths release times and perc has the acetaminophen (tylenol) in it so it has other uses too... , I just like to correct people about their drug terminology.
Nah pill cramps are muscle cramps. Your muscles just spasim for no reason after days of ecstasy abuse.
WORD!!!!! LMAO @ All us REALL!!! lmao.........:qbluewacko: :eusa_shifty: :toothy5: 12 in ma case, but then again, "each unto thier own"!!! lmao Cynhetic Drugs are for MUGS, unless is a REQUIREMENT to use such, in MEDICAL issues and what not!!! (In m SRONG STRONG belief!!!) But....... "each Unto thier own" eh?!?!?!? lol
Just picked up 100 mistubishis for £20 skuzz.. ...."got any vera's?LOVELY!" Skuzz between men and the prodigy you MUST have came up on the rave scene back in the early 90's like i did My 1st jack and jills were 'snowballs' then 'double barrels' and so on,back in '92-'93 i could flog one E for between 10 and 15 pounds not dollars!:icon_wink: I grew up on fantazia,rezurection(they are doing a new one,a renunion soon,im going!) and helter skelter aswell as all the old illegal raves we would just set up in some farmers field,lol,some farmers were cool after a 'bung',lol,others chased you of their land shooting you with salt pellets or rubber bullets:rol: Skuzz i just picked up 100 mistubishis(not the shitty thin crumbly) ones but the thick hard ones:thumbsup..im gonna drop 3 or 4 just ow to test them out so be warned GKers im either gonna be online all night talkin jibberish and telling ya i love you all,lol,either that or i'll be in bed with the mrs professing my love to her Eza good eza good,its ebeneezer good!Peace out,time to drop an E and see where it takes me,lol.Peace:bong2:
Man that's crazy the red mitsubishis we used to get if you took 3-4 you would very possibly die or atleast end up in the hospital. Those things the pink elephants, cookie monsters, blue x boxs(pure MDMA), and the red or green christmas trees would all have you fucked off! Bad ass experience but if you ate more than 2 you were in trouble. A guy I know who still fucks with them got something I can't remember what he said they were but he ate 5 and I was like damn your lucky to still be talking. Guess they are more crap now. So 100 for 20euro? either way euro GBP that's still hella cheap. I think you would have a hard time getting 100 for that cheap anywhere in the states unless you were buying 100 every day, was the guy making them, or knew the guy making them. That would cost you easy a good $1000 US at $10 a pop and most people sell them for $20. Even at $5 ea which would be a good deal for such a small quantity is still hella more than what you paid.
Yea, but you can still get some good deals sometimes.. I got em for 4 bucks a pop once if I bought all 120 of em... thought it was an undercover but noone followed me after the sale... so i dished em out like fucking candy. Made about 25 bucks a piece off most of them (some were sold for 15 and 20.. depending on how much I liked the people...).. made more money than I ever did selling anything else... a 20 dollar mark up will roll in some profit. BTW they were white with a music note on them, don't know the name... but this kind shows up here pretty often and it's pretty good.. then a light blue one with speckles in it and a mitsubishi symbol on it comes around sometimes (it's expensive.. never less than 20 unless you are close with someone who got them for less than 20 a pop...) and those are fucking great.